Spectators wait in line to buy tickets at a New York cinema Photographer: Matthew Staver / Bloomberg
If blockchain were and would continue to drive mania of the Beatles in such prestigious events as the Lions Festival of Cannes so this emerging technology sector is now officially starring in its version of Let It Be . & nbsp; Trust Machine : The History of Blockchain is an interesting new documentary about blockchain and cryptocurrency that is dramatic, moving and engaging, regardless of whether you are working deep in the technology space, an executive trying to grasp such disruptive changes or the person every day intrigues privacy, activism and digital power, in fact this film talks about everything you wanted to know about blockchain and cryptocurrency (and some things you do not have) but you were afraid to ask.
Trust Machine & nbsp; It is uni For many reasons, but first, because it is really a disruptive project, blockchain, technological, entirely developed through its very evolutionary foundation. The film is the entertainment studio & nbsp; SingularDTV (Kim Jackson, producer), first documentary feature film. This company, one of the first in its class to help filmmakers raise funds, develop and distribute their content, is based on blockchain technology and built on the Ethereum platform. The film is co-produced by Futurism Studios, led by President Geoff Clark, whose mission is stories that show people, companies and technologies that are culturally transformative. E & nbsp; Trust Machine & nbsp; boasts Zach LeBeau, Arie Levy-Cohen, Alex Klokus and & nbsp; Ethereum cofondatore & nbsp; Joseph Lubin as executive producers.
The result is very solid work of Alex Winter's award-winning Trouper Productions. The film, narrated in an almost perfect style by the actress Rosario Dawson, is, in essence, an intelligent look at how the particular technological sector of blockchain and cryptocurrency is changing the world and the trends to follow around it. [19659008]
Filmmaker Alex Winter Courtesy: SingularDTV
The difficulty in taking an argument that is in fact engineering and based on developers and deciphering it for the masses is not an easy undertaking, but in some way & nbsp; Trust Machine takes what could be a cold and ingenious mess and turns it into an emotionally captivating documentary & nbsp; touching different levels of feeling by connecting the situation of humanity to this technology and vice versa. It is a very precise but broad look at the passion, the work, the controversy, the nonsense, the frenzy, the brilliance, the regulation and the future potential around what is considered one of the greatest technological advances of our time.
the impact of technology on the refugee crisis and hunger in the world or the capture of JPMorgan CEO Chase Jamie Dimon midway on the dangers of cryptography or that can be seen as true flub around the discussion of technology at times on CNBC, & nbsp; Trust Machine & nbsp; somehow puts the viewer at the edge of his place because it is so rare that we have the opportunity to look at ourselves while the human drama unfolds in an almost realistic in-the-making story on a big screen.
It does not hurt that the engaging interviews are the subject of comments by major venture capitalists like Tim Draper and Bil Tai for the recording artist Imogen Heap to the guru of quantum physics Spiros Michalakis up to the same Laura Shin of Forbes (go, Laura). But perhaps the point at which the film hits one of its highest notes is the peppered chronicle of British activist and computer scientist Lauri Love who was accused of stealing data from US government computers including the missile defense agency. Love begins the film with a series of eloquent remarks, including the fact that he believes this technology "can scare the lives of some very powerful people."
Activist, Lauri Love in a scene from " Trust Machine " Courtesy: SingularDTV
Mark Moss, a cryptocurrency analyst for Market Disruptor and a film tracing agrees and adds," Since the dollar was removed from the gold standard in 1971 in the US United States and the rest of the world have switched to a system based on debt and have created billions and billions of dollars in debt.The whole system works as long as people continue to have trust and confidence in the system, but with cryptocurrency which offers people a better option and blockchain, in general, greater decentralization, banks and any organization that holds power through a centralized action, see this new era as a major mine ccia. "Moss believes that most people are completely blind to what money, the banking system is actually, but that the advent of such developments as Bitcoin is creating a mass interest around the unprecedented subject. "Even if Bitcoin fails," he says, "people are now awake and aware and the revolution will continue to grow. "
Dr. Spiros Michalakis in a scene of" Trust Machine " courtesy: SingularDTV
Perhaps it is such a feeling and much more that has inspired Winter to concentrate on this controversial area. a previous statement, the director said, "Bitcoin is important, but blockchain is really where the changes will come. & nbsp; The implications are enormous if you think about it. There are tremendous changes in our culture right now. Never something like this has happened before, ever. And it's fascinating to me. That's why I really wanted to make this documentary. "
He later told me via email," I've been involved in this world for a long time and I was trying to tell a story that was added to my previous two documentaries on the information age, & nbsp ; Download and Deep Web. & nbsp; Given the sudden popularity and curiosity about the cryptocurrency and the blockchain, it seemed like the right time to capture this crazy moment in a movie. "
Winter says there is a huge opportunity with blockchain, to help solve many problems in many disparate areas, but that this will require new actors to learn from the mistakes of not only legacy companies and institutions , but their most immediate technological predecessors at all levels. & nbsp; "My interest is always at the center of such stories, and communicating the larger themes and socio-political implications, and not in attempting to explain the 39; math & # 39; of all this, "explains Winter.
DJ Gramatik, who uses blockchain to collaborate directly with fans through a blockchain, in a scene of" Trust Machine. " Courtesy: SingularDTV
If this work is missing something, it could be the fact that the only black people (read: African-Americans, Latin) on the screen seem to be almost non-existent, connected with the crypers underdeveloped and escaped to Kenya or connected with a cryptographic scam (see: Floyd Mayweather), an opportunity lost for such a "revolutionary" movement It would be nice to see the inclusion of various types of brilliant TED Talk o engineering personalities whose opinions and experiences are considered as valid as those already committed to carve out their positions within the club of the new institution.We can only hope that as our minds expand to embrace further freedom through blockchain that the same spirit is applied to an ever-wider inclusion of voices
On another level, the film also pauses after it reveals several new applications ni around the blockchain. & nbsp; Something about the segments around Eye Pay and the monitoring of refugees via token is both beautiful and edifying and at the same time terrifying (if in the wrong hands and applied to any number of scenarios or imposed).
This enveloping and dynamic look in technology is currently almost ephemeral as a post IG, however. Initially, you can take the film on October 26, 2018 in New York for a week at the Cinema Village and on November 16 in Los Angeles at Laemmle Monica. Do not forget the popcorn.
& nbsp;
Spectators wait in line to buy tickets at a New York cinema Photographer: Matthew Staver / Bloomberg
If blockchain were and continues to lead the Beatles mania in such prestigious events as the Festival of the Lions of Cannes, so this sector of emerging technology is officially starring in its version of Let It Be . Trust Machine: The History of Blockchain is a new compelling documentary about blockchain and cryptocurrency which is dramatic, moving and engaging, regardless of whether you are working deep in the technology space, a leader who tries to catch such disruptive changes or that the common person intrigues digital privacy, activism and power. of everything you wanted to know about blockchain and cryptocurrency (and some things you do not have) but you were afraid to ask.
Trust Machi ne is unique for many reasons bu Firstly, because it is really a disruptive project, blockchain, infused by technology through its very evolutionary foundation. The film is the first feature-length documentary of the singular SingularDTV entertainment studio (Kim Jackson, producer). This company, one of the first in its class to help filmmakers raise funds, develop and distribute their content, is based on blockchain technology and built on the Ethereum platform. The film is co-produced by Futurism Studios, led by President Geoff Clark, whose mission is stories that show people, companies and technologies that are culturally transformative. And Trust Machine boasts Zach LeBeau, Arie Levy-Cohen, Alex Klokus and co-founder of Ethereum Joseph Lubin as executive producers.
The result is a very solid work of Alex Winter's award-winning Trouper Productions. The film, narrated in an almost perfect style by the actress Rosario Dawson, is, in essence, an intelligent look at how the particular technological sector of blockchain and cryptocurrency is changing the world and the trends to follow around it.
Filmmaker Alex Winter Courtesy: SingularDTV
The difficulty in taking an argument that is in fact engineering and based on developers and deciphering it for the masses is not an easy undertaking, but somehow Trust Machine takes what could be a cold and ingenious mess and turns it into an emotionally captivating documentary touching different levels of feeling just by linking the difficult situation of humanity to that technology and vice versa. It is a very precise but broad look at the passion, the work, the controversy, the nonsense, the frenzy, the brilliance, the regulation and the future potential around what is considered one of the greatest technological advances of our time.
The impact of technology on the refugee crisis and hunger in the world or the capture of JPMorgan CEO Chase Jamie Dimon halfway on the dangers of cryptography or what can be seen as true flub around the discussion of the technology sometimes on CNBC, Trust Machine somehow puts the viewer on the edge of his seat, because it is really so rare that we have a chance to look at ourselves while the human drama takes place in an almost story -in-real-time on the big screen. [19659008] It does not hurt that the engaging interviews are the subject of comments by major venture capitalists like Tim Draper and Bil Tai for the recording artist Imogen Heap to the guru of quantum physics Spiros Michalakis up to the same Laura Shin of Forbes (go, Laura). But perhaps, where the film hits one of its highest notes, there's the peppered chronicle of British activist and computer scientist Lauri Love, accused of stealing data from US government computers, including 39; Missile Defense Agency. Love begins the film with a series of eloquent remarks, including the fact that he believes this technology "sweeps people very powerful."
Activist, Lauri Love in a scene from "Trust" Machine " Courtesy of: SingularDTV
Mark Moss, a cryptocurrency analyst for Market Disruptor and one who follows the film agrees and adds:" From When the dollar was removed from the gold standard in 1971, the United States and the rest of the world switched to a debt-based system and created trillions and trillions of debt dollars. This whole system works as long as people continue to have confidence and confidence in the system, but with cryptocurrency offering people a better option and blockchain, overall, driving greater decentralization, banks and any organization that holds power through centralized action sees this new era as a huge threat. "Moss believes that most people are completely blind to what money, the banking system is actually, but that the emergence of such developments as Bitc oin is creating a mass interest around the unprecedented subject. "Even if Bitcoin fails," he says, "people are now awake and aware and the revolution will continue to grow."
Dr. Spiros Michalakis in a scene of "Trust Machine" courtesy: SingularDTV
Perhaps it is a feeling so strong that inspired Winter to focus on this controversial area. In a previous statement, the director said, "Bitcoins are important, but blockchain is really where the changes will come in. The implications are huge if you think about it, there are tremendous changes in our culture right now. That was why I really wanted to make this documentary. "
He later told me via e-mail:" I've been involved in this world for a long time and I was trying to tell a story that was added to my two previous documentaries on the age of information, Downloaded and Deep Web. Given the sudden popularity and curiosity about cryptocurrency and blockchain, it seemed the moment just to capture this crazy moment of the film. "
Winter states that there is an enormous opportunity with blockchain, to help solve many problems in many different areas, but that this result will require the new actors to parrying from error Not just legacy societies and institutions, but their most immediate technological predecessors at all levels. "My interest is always at the center of these stories, and it communicates the most important issues and socio-political implications, and not in the attempt to explain the" math "of all this," explains Winter.
DJ Gramatik, who uses blockchain to collaborate directly with fans through the blockchain, in a scene from "Trust Machine." Courtesy: SingularDTV
If this work is missing something may be the fact that the only black people (read: African-Americans, Latin-Americans) on the screen seem to be almost non-existent, connected to disorganized crypto-miners and up-the-bootstraps in Kenya or linked to a cryptographic scam (see: Floyd Mayweather). An opportunity lost for such a "revolutionary" movement. It would be nice to see the inclusion of various types of brilliant TED Talk or engineering personalities whose opinions and experiences are considered as valid as those already committed to carve out their positions within the new institution's club. We can only hope that as our minds expand to embrace further freedom through blockchain the same spirit is applied to an ever wider inclusion of voices.
On another level, the film also pauses after revealing various new applications around the blockchain. Something about the segments around Eye Pay and the monitoring of refugees via token is both beautiful and edifying and at the same time terrifying (if in the wrong hands and applied to any number of scenarios or imposed).
This enveloping and dynamic look in technology is currently almost ephemeral as a post IG, however. Initially, you can take the film on October 26, 2018 in New York for a week at the Cinema Village and on November 16 in Los Angeles at Laemmle Monica. Do not forget the popcorn.