Tesla joins a new lobbying group that perfectly complements Biden’s pro-EV plans


Tesla has joined with 28 other companies to form the Zero Emission Transportation Association or ZETA, an industry coalition that advocates policies that would lead to 100% electric vehicle sales in the United States by 2030. ZETA’s core goals align with the plans of the President-elect of the United States “Position the American auto industry to win the 21st century”.

According to the ZETA press release, the new organization plans to create thousands of new jobs, secure the U.S. position as a global leader in electric vehicle manufacturing, and improve public health by reducing carbon pollution. ZETA will focus on five key policy pillars, listed below, during its promotion for full electric vehicle adoption by 2030, which it discusses in its brochure.

  • Consumer incentives
  • Domestic production
  • Infrastructure investments
  • Emissions / Performance Standards
  • Federal support for state and local policy

The five pillars of ZETA align with Joe Biden’s plans for the automotive industry. The president-elect thoroughly explained his ideas for adopting clean vehicles in the “Biden Plan to Build Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure and a Fair Clean Energy Future,” which says Biden helped save the automotive industry eleven Years ago. It has six main goals set for making the American auto industry big again, which are listed below.

  • Use the power of federal procurement to increase demand for clean American-made and American-made vehicles.
  • Encourage consumers and producers to clean up.
  • Make major public investments in automotive infrastructure, including 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations, to create good jobs in industries that support vehicle electrification.
  • Accelerate research on battery technology and support the development of domestic production capacity.
  • Set a goal for all new American-built buses to be carbon neutral by 2030.
  • Setting ambitious standards for fuel economy that will save consumers money and reduce air pollution.

Under a Biden administration with Congressional support, ZETA could be an influential organization in the next four years if Biden and ZETA’s goals align. Joe Britton, who worked for 15 years in the US Senate, has been named Executive Director of ZETA. With its experience, Britton has the ability to ensure the effectiveness of ZETA’s policies. It certainly seems to have the zeal to push for 100% adoption of electric vehicles.

“For the first time in a generation, transportation is the largest carbon emitter in the United States. By embracing electric vehicles, federal policy makers can help drive innovation, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs and improve air quality and public health, ”Britton said in the ZETA press release.

“The formation of ZETA recognizes a crucial moment for national leadership and reflects the will of the growing clean transport sector. The next decade will be pivotal in implementing federal policies that will accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles and help address these issues head-on. The clean vehicle industry already boasts hundreds of thousands of jobs, but if we encourage its growth, the US can decisively win the global race to develop a new clean transportation economy and employ hundreds of thousands of Americans right here. at home “.

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