Target currency (TGT) traded down -1.38% over USD since yesterday's time period closed at 11:30 am on 29 September EST. Target Coin currently has a total market cap of $ 1,251,053 and its 24-hour volume is about $ 0. In the 7 day period, Target Coin is -9.13% compared to the US dollar with a variation of 0.00% in the last 60 minutes.
Now let's see how similar cryptos behaved on the last day:
- Emerald Crypto (EMD) is currently a $ 0.01 against the dollar, a -1.30% variation in the last day. The cost of Bitcoin for EMD is currently 0.00000097 BTC.
- Kalkulus (KLKS) is currently a $ 0.05 against the dollar, a -0.49 percent of variation in the last day. The cost of Bitcoin for KLKS is currently 0.00000691 BTC.
Target coin data
The target currency has a maximum reserve of exactly 952,429,892 coins. It was created on January 1, 0001.
From cryptocompare.com: "Target Coin is a tokenised short-short cryptocurrency fund that invests and trades in the CryptoCurrency market using automated and algorithmic trading strategies".
Here are some useful links if you prefer to gather more information on Target Coin:
TGT: information for merchants
Day traders can get TGT to trade such as EtherDelta, HitBTC,
It is not always possible to purchase currencies such as Target Coin using US dollars immediately. Investors wishing to obtain the TGT may first have to take Bitcoin or ETH in hand using an exchange that has dollars in dollars such as Coinbase or GDAX. Investors can then use this Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase Target Coin using one of the exchanges listed above.