Tag Archives: Opinion

NASA’s Perseverance rover is halfway to Mars

[ad_1] Sometimes halves can be a good thing, especially on such a long journey. The agency’s new rover has only 146 million miles to reach its destination. NASA‘S Mars The Perseverance Rover 2020 mission has covered many air miles since it was launched into the sky on July 30 – …

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there is finally more water than expected on the moon

[ad_1] This is a discovery that astronauts did not expect. The Moon is actually much richer in water than expected. “We didn’t think water could survive on the sunny side of the moon. How did the water get there? How did he survive? It’s an interesting scientific question that teaches …

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Cheese and nuts can help protect the lungs from asthma

[ad_1] Cheese, nuts, and leafy greens can help ward off lung diseases ranging from asthma and emphysema to colds. A UK study of 6,000 people’s food diaries found that those low in vitamins A, E and D had more breathing problems even when other factors such as weight and smoking …

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They adjust prices in Portuguese pharmacies due to excessive increases

[ad_1] The National Superintendence for the Defense of Socio-economic Rights (Sundde), an entity linked to the national trade portfolio, has established a preventive measure for the immediate adjustment of prices at La Orquídea de Páez and Farmacia Plaza pharmacies in the Portuguese state. The measure was applied after Sundde prosecutors …

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Beaches can survive rising sea levels as long as …

[ad_1] An international team of coastal scientists has rejected proposals that half of the world’s beaches could go extinct in the 21st century. The statement was published by European researchers in an in Nature climate change in March 2020 (sandy coasts threatened by the erosion of Vousdoukas et al). See …

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Illuminate a way to find planet nine

[ad_1] The search for planet nine – a hypothetical ninth planet in our solar system – could boil down to locating the faintest orbits in an incredibly dark corner of space. This is exactly what Yale astronomers Malena Rice and Gregory Laughlin are trying to do with a technique that …

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