Substrate, the highly anticipated Blockchain Building Framework from Parity Technologies has arrived


Designed for maximum freedom and ease

The substrate is designed to be as generic as possible and offers maximum technical freedom when designing the blockchain. It has a function of & # 39; execute block & # 39; one hundred percent abstract encoded in WASM that can be targeted by a number of languages, including C ++ and Rust. The execution block function is hot-swappable, which means that you can update the chain logic without making a fixed fork.

Consensus is also generalized. The provided API allows you to rollover your consent system if you wish, and can handle most of the available consent algorithms. Substrate beta 1.0 offers a combined & auraNOT NO consent, with further consent algorithms coming from the following versions. Along the way, consent will be hot-swappable, which means you can start the blockchain with a consensus mechanism and move on to another along the line, again avoiding a potential fork.

Substrate integrates the best of blockchain technology at the forefront. Get one light customer ready for use so that the blockchain can work natively on mobile devices and pool security and interoperability through integration with A pois protocol. The substrate has been created in rustand there is also a JavaScript implementation for a Substrate client that runs directly in the browser.

Substrate allows you to easily configure your blockchain, but also to take complete control over the code if necessary. This flexibility between ease and technical freedom is achieved through a modular design: the substrate is separated into Substrate Core is Substrate Runtime Module Library (SRML) and comes with a pre-assembled Substrate node it's simple to set up.

Substrate Core

Substrate Core it is the minimum base for the construction of blockchain. The Substrate Core gives you a base that is much simpler than creating a blockchain from scratch, although you do not have a finished blockchain. Includes:

  • Pervasive and secure network via libp2p
  • storage
  • telemetry
  • Light customer
  • Stop synchronization
  • Extendable JSON-RPC endpoints
  • Low-level JavaScript utility
  • Transaction queue and block production mechanism
  • Sandboxed WebAssembly interpreter
  • Interchain connectivity via the A pois protocol
  • Crypto primitives library
  • Chain specifications and versions
  • Pluggable consensus

Substrate Runtime Module Library (SRML)

The primary architecture of Substrate separates the basic functionality of a network blockchain node and specific implementations of the chain by running the latter in a separate WebAssembly environment. You have absolute freedom to write the logic of the chain in any language that can be compiled in WebAssembly (Rust, C / C ++, C #, Go, etc.). You can add modules from the Substrate Runtime Module Library, or SRML. With SRML, you can take standard components, connect them and build a blockchain that does what you want it to do. The modules include:

  • Accounts and sales – basic cryptocurrency, including account management and display
  • Resources – additional fungible resources on a simple and safe chain
  • Consent – setting and modifying the runtime code and the storage space (that is the set of authorities as a list of session keys on the chain) and reporting of offline or inadequate validators
  • contracts – Wels-based intelligent contracts based on Wasm
  • Council – administrative elections and proposals
  • Democracy – public proposals and referendums
  • sessions – rotation of the keys for the authorities
  • Stakeout – Game testing logic, including stakeouts and appointment of validator accounts
  • timestamp – let your time chain know
  • treasury – decentralized subsidies, similar to a DAO

So, for example, if you want to create an availability-ready smart contract blockchain, take the Substrate Core and enter Account and Sales, Staking, and contract forms. Once Polkadot is started, you can make it interoperable by connecting it to Polkadot.

Substrate node

Long last, Substrate node allows you to deploy a blockchain with maximum ease. Soon it will be possible to configure the substrate node with a JSON file.

Peripheral support infrastructure

Peripheral support infrastructure it was created by Parity and open-source contributors to provide additional functionality to Substrate and Polkadot. This infrastructure includes:

Apache License 2.0v

Substrate 1.0-beta is currently licensed under GPLv3, but in line with the ideal that the Substrate should allow maximum development freedom, the Substrate repository will switch to the Apache 2.0 license. The widely permissive nature of the open source license allows for commercial use, distribution, modification, use of patents and private use and opens the door to Fortune 500 companies to adopt the technology. We offer professional services to organizations that wish to create with the substrate.

Center for substrate developers

We work hard to make Substrate the most user friendly blockchain framework. We have started a developer hub where you can:

As the developer hub is under development, do not hesitate to ask questions in the technical support chat.

Start today the hacking!

"I really hope that by pushing Substrate, we can create a new class of development team types and development applications that fit right in between the two where you do not have to know everything, you do not do everything you can to develop your new blockchain, but you can do just enough to have a specific chain for the domain, which has its own parameterization and its characteristics that allow you to do a particular job, and done well, it would not have been possible before because the smart contracts are too inflated and writing your own chain is too much work " – Dr. Gavin Wood (Co-founder of Parity Technologies, Polkadot and Ethereum)

Start quickly Substrate downloads is create your own custom chain.

Additional resources:

Peter Mauric
Head of public affairs

SOURCE Parity Technologies

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