The publicly traded company of the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE), Squire Mining Ltd., which will soon be known as CoinGeek Technologies Ltd., is gathering the best and brightest in the industry to set up an expert advisory board. This move is to keep the company at the forefront of trends and at the forefront of cryptographic space. To begin with, Squire has named two of the brightest minds in the industry, the CEO of nChain Jimmy Nguyen and the Chief Scientist nChain Dr. Craig Wright.
This news comes less than two weeks after Squire Mining announced that it has entered into an agreement with CoinGeek for the purchase of crypto-mining assets consisting of 62,440 ASIC extraction plants, which represent approximately 960,000 terahash / I know about 90 MW of energy consumption. With this agreement, Squire becomes the largest publicly traded Bitcoin miner in the world, with operations in Canada, the United States and Kazakhstan.
With this new advisory board, they could not have started with two better men. Nguyen and Dr. Wright are among the leading proponents of Bitcoin SV (BSV), the only cryptocurrency to follow Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision for Bitcoin.
This development of Squire Mining indicates the desire to have more BSV experience in the industry. Since BSV is the only money capable of scaling massively and is already 64MB of blocks, it guarantees that transaction fees will remain low and will guarantee profits to miners. Squire has found the skills they need from Jimmy Nguyen and Dr. Craig Wright.
Squire's announcement noted that "Jimmy and Craig should provide Squire with valuable information and advice on current and future developments and trends in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem and broader cryptocurrencies and blockchain industries in general."
When not advising Squire Mining, Jimmy Nguyen and Craig Wright are promoting and improving BSV. By making it stable, scalable, safe and secure, they understand that it has the best adoption possibilities for business use. Furthermore, by encouraging mass adoption through beautiful simplicity, it is the only digital currency that has a serious chance of being the money of the future.
This is not the only new role of Jimmy Nguyen and Craig Wright. nChain has just announced that Nguyen will join the new bComm Association as Founding President, with the goal of bringing together developers, traders, traders, miners and other stakeholders to support BSV.
The nChain group has also announced that it will also create a new strategic advisory committee, to which Nguyen and Wright will also serve.
The Squire Mining people recognize that Jimmy Nguyen and Craight Wright are on the right track, and they want to be there in the front line with them. We'll see what happens next, now that the biggest Bitcoin miner and two industry visionaries have joined forces.