SpaceX’s Elon Musk explains more of his colonization plans on Mars


Tesla Motors CEO and SpaceX founder Elon Musk is mesmerized by Mars and envisions humanity as a multi-planetary species whose future lies beyond the Big Blue Marble we currently all call home.

SpaceX’s Starship Transport System was designed to eventually launch each of its Starship reusable rockets on missions an average of three times a day, with each sleek ship loaded with a 100-ton payload per flight. A fleet of 1,000 spacecraft would likely be able to send up to 100,000 people to Mars every Earth-Mars orbital synchronization, or every 26 months.

In Musk’s vision, food for a self-sufficient Martian city would be grown on solar-powered hydroponic farms, both underground and in enclosed structures, and jobs would be plentiful in the settlement’s “open-air and fun atmosphere”, as he said. one time Popular mechanicsTo that end, it intends to launch the first SpaceX rocket to Mars by 2022 on a cargo-only mission, before a manned excursion is attempted around the year 2024.

But before a true civilization can thrive in the harsh conditions of the Red Planet, safe housing and protection must be installed for the first round of scientists, biologists and engineers well before Musk’s ultimate goal of colonizing Mars with one million people by. 2050.

In a series of Mars-related tweets this week, the billionaire visionary explained what small steps would be required to make his dream come true, and it includes living in the relative comfort of giant glass domes.

The idea of ​​a permanent, self-sustaining base of operations is essential for Musk’s noble plans to be realized for generations from now. Using a crazy idea Musk launched in 2015, the overwhelming idea of ​​terraforming Mars would need thousands of nuclear warheads launched once a day for seven weeks straight. This would presumably affect the polar ice caps and ultimately increase the planet’s atmospheric pressure to levels that allow humans to breathe, melting the ice caps of Mars to release carbon dioxide, which would be contained in the resulting greenhouse gases.

The problem, as mathematician Robert Walker calculated last year, is that those explosive mini-islands would emit radiation devastating enough to make the Red Planet totally uninhabitable, a Relapse-like a desert. Even if successful, it would raise Mars’ atmospheric pressure to 7 percent of Earth’s.

Thanks, but we’re left with a Martian landscape of glittering glass domes instead!


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