SpaceX astronaut Victor Glover Jr shares Earth video from the International Space Station


An astronaut, currently celebrating his maiden voyage into space, shared a video of the Earth from the perspective of the International Space Station.

Victor Glover Jr was one of four new crew members who boarded the ISS after leaving NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with the SpaceX Dragon last week.

After a successful first week joining three other astronauts already aboard the ISS, MR Glover sent the video of his experience to NASA headquarters, which shared the stunning video on Twitter.

Victor Glover Jr ISS
An astronaut, currently celebrating his maiden voyage into space, shared a video of the Earth from the International Space Station. (Victor Glover Jr / NASA)

“The video just doesn’t do it justice – it’s pretty amazing,” Glover said in the video as he points the camera at the Earth’s surface.

This is the first time that seven crew members have lived on the ISS for an extended stay of six months.

Mr. Glover, along with NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins, Shannon Walker and Soichi Noguchi, an astronaut from the Japanese space agency, were greeted aboard the space station early Tuesday by NASA astronaut Kate Rubins and cosmonauts. Russians Sergey Ryzhikov and Sergey Kud-Sverchkov.

This is Mr. Glover’s first trip to space and by all accounts he hasn’t stopped smiling since he arrived.

He is also the first full-time African American crew member on the space station.

“When the engine shut down and we were in orbit, it was surreal,” Glover said at a news conference from the space station last week.

“I saw a lot of images, but when I first looked at the Earth out of the window, I had no words. It was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime feeling.”

The rest of his crew were equally excited. When they reached zero gravity, his crew turned to Glover and said, “We’re in space.”

And as Mr. Glover came out of the hatch, Mrs. Rubins hastened to greet him and held out her hands. “Oh my God, you are here,” he shouted cheerfully.

Floating for an extended period of time is new to Mr Glover. Previously, he experienced a few seconds of buoyancy as a Navy test pilot.

Victor Glover Jr ISS
Victor Glover Jr was one of four new crew members who boarded the ISS after leaving NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with the SpaceX Dragon last week. (Victor Glover Jr / NASA)

“But floating for a long time is really amazing,” he said.

“My brain is constantly trying to figure out which way to go up. It’s an interesting challenge, which I find slightly amusing. I write notes so I can think about this later.”

Mr. Glover said he experienced a wealth of emotion. The approach to the space station has inspired awe and happiness, but he is also eager to get to work and contribute.

An advocate of social justice and planet protection, he said this trip to the space station strengthened his resolve.

“I believe what I said and what I tried to work for is right. Be honest and straightforward with people, and then work for what is right.” He said.

“And I think doing the right thing is always in order. So looking at the planet from this perspective – seeing the Earth and these wonderful land masses and oceans with no lines or words drawn on them – it just raises awareness the planet needs protection. , and human life needs protection, and it is we who must protect it. “

“I hope this (mission) inspires people to look up literally and figuratively, especially as 2020 draws to a close.”

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