South Korea "Blockchain Technology Development Strategy" course
While the cryptocurrency industry and blockchain gains ground all over the world, the concepts of this innovative innovation will begin to permeate in a multitude of aspects of society. More recently, it seems that the most influential invention of the 21st century has entered post-secondary education in the form of lectures, courses and research focused on the university level blockchain.
According to a South Korean outdoor report by Kinews, broadcast by The Next Web cryptocurrency column, the South Korean Ministry of Science and Technology has just taken the first steps towards the creation of its "first group of blockchain specialists ".
On Monday, the ministry's information and communication departments said they hosted their first ever conference on generalized accounting (DLT) technologies. According to reports, the first move by the local government was to launch a "blockchain technology development strategy" course supported by a presumed 100 billion Korean won ($ 90 million) by far-sighted regulators.
course currently undertook 42 students, who were selected through a series of questions and interviews to determine the best candidates for this full course. After the first lesson, the students will have to work for six months of eight hours consisting of the protection, the learning of the strings of technology and other activities that aim to put the 42 scholars through the wringer.

The students, who were in the Walton Blockchain research center in Seoul, expressed their excitement about their participation in the course, stressing that they were ready to be the first to lead the development of the domestic blockchain industry.
After the completion of the training program, the Seoul course intends to put scholars at work, hoping to test the skills they have learned in real life scenarios and in good faith cryptocurrency / blockchain societies. Speaking on the topic, Wang Sang Hyeong, general secretary of the Walton Group, said (roughly translated):
"We will provide a one-stop shop for employment and business start-ups, as well as education for employee training and we will strengthen the construction of a healthy block-chain ecosystem. "
As South Korea is without doubt one of the DLT centers worldwide, it was no surprise to some that local government
Worldwide involvement for DLT education interventions
Last week, Coinbase, unquestionably one of the most influential companies focused on cryptocurrency in the world, published a report highlighting the current status of crypto in " high school education". According to data collected by the company, more than 42% of the 50 most important universities in the world offer a kind of course connected to the academically approved blockchain. In addition, 70% of universities offer a class linked to cryptography, which can be related to DLT in some way, form or form.
Although many would never think to follow such a course or have moved on to that stage of their lives, this figure reveals that the nascent cryptic industry is larger than some would originally think. Now that it has penetrated higher education, it has the potential to expand into a variety of industries in the future.
Photo of Alex Knight on Unsplash

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