Söder wants to expand the purchase of electric cars – ecomento.de


The prize for the purchase of a German electric car “Umweltbonus” was 4,000 euros when it was launched about four years ago. This year the funding increased first to 6,000, then to 9,000 euros. Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) has pledged to increase the grant and offer it longer.

“We need to extend the electric premiums significantly over time,” Söder asked Thursday at the “2020 Automotive Summit” of Handelsblatt. “It is important to keep orders for a longer period of time.” The CSU politician is also in favor of increasing subsidy amounts, especially for plug-in hybrids. “The plug-in is very popular with customers,” Söder said, referring to the latest registration data. It has not proposed new amounts or specific deadlines for the environmental bonus.

The current maximum amount of 9,000 euros is available when you buy an electric car at a net list price of less than 40,000 euros. Pure electric vehicles from 40,000 to 65,000 euros net are subsidized with 7500 euros. For plug-in hybrids there is a maximum of 6750 euros. The environmental bonus was introduced as an incentive financed half by the Confederation and half by industry. The increase to 9,000 euros in June took place as part of the coronavirus stimulus package, the state share is now up to 6,000 euros. The manufacturers also grant a net discount of up to € 3,000 on the purchase of the Stromer.

Both fully and partially electric cars have been in demand on the rise in Germany for months despite the crown crisis. New registrations of conventional petrol and diesel models, however, have recently collapsed. The Federal Ministry of Economy attributes the boom in electric mobility in this country largely to doubling the state share, the so-called innovation bonus.

The environmental bonus program is limited to the end of 2025, provided the funds provided are sufficient by then. The supplement from the economic stimulus plan is only valid until the end of 2021. Söder wants both limits, according to the Handelsblatt now cancel. He should therefore keep an eye on German manufacturers such as BMW, Daimler and Volkswagen, who are only now increasingly relying on electric cars. Söder stressed: “The automotive industry knows we support it, but we are not friends.”

Söder also called for a recycling program for trucks. The switch to hydrogen and fuel cells must also be subsidized by the state. With BMW and the Volkswagen subsidiary Audi, the Prime Minister has two major German carmakers in his state. Under the MAN brand, which also belongs to Volkswagen, there is also a large manufacturer of buses and trucks in Bavaria.

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