Social media accounts and content can be removed, observers say: Okezone techno


Social media content can be deleted or blocked for certain reasons. For example, the content is considered sensitive, so the service provider blocks the content.

As for the removal of content, the government may also have the authority for this. Heru Sutadi, executive director of the Indonesia ICT Institute, explained that if it is related to what is prohibited by the ITE law, it is the authority of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo).

Meanwhile, if it becomes part of social media politics, social media can do it (disassemble).

“For example, writing hoaxes about Covid-19, a cure for Covid-19 or immune to Covid-19, can be removed from social media without our consent,” explained Heru, contacted by Sindonews on Tuesday (17/11 / 2020) night. .

Meanwhile, accounts and content that can be removed under the ITE law spread SARA-based pornography, gambling, and hate speech.

Social media parties may remove according to their respective social media policies. But it can also be on the reports of many other people giving flags or signs.

“But for Indonesia there are also local teams involved to assess whether the state, teasing or sharing of netizens is considered sensitive,” Heru added.

The Fact Check Team is made up of many local organizations and is free from political interests and impartiality, which are directly under the auspices of the respective social media or trust signatories.

Social media content can be deleted or blocked for certain reasons.

Read also: Stupid online petition banning the uploading of Habib Rizieq’s photos, this is Kominfo’s reply

It’s just that this team according to Heru is ineffective. For example, during the 2019 presidential elections, partner institutions of the foreign social media platform were considered unfair and one-sided, so the facts that were verified by one of the camps were often considered hoaxes.

Reflecting on this social media killing phenomenon, netizens are currently talking about the fact that accounts posting Rizieq Shihab’s name or photo will be removed.

According to Heru, this decision may have arisen because someone reported the blocking to the affected social media platform, regardless of the issues in question.

The reason for the removal decision involving the Fact Check Team was not explained by social media to users and the public. So it seemed they just believed what the Fact Check team had chosen as their partner.

“Indeed, this is strange. It happened a long time ago. And it is also believed by the fact that the Fact Check Team is anti-interested (Rizieq Shihab),” Heru said.

Social media parties may remove according to their respective social media policies.

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