Soar: use of the blockchain to create a worldwide "super map" of high quality drone data


With the arrival of more comprehensive drone legislation and a growing number of industries using drones for an increasing number of applications, the adoption of this technology will continue to grow over the next few years. At the same time, the market for drone operators is basically a regional and one-to-one market: while it is possible to capture large amounts of drone images, many of these are used only once or never. This means that it can not – or does not reach – a potentially larger customer base if it is not offered through a sort of platform or marketplace that makes data available outside the region where the seller and the buyer are located. .

The Soar platform aims to fill this gap by offering tools for demand-based and supply-oriented drone content worldwide. Soar uses the cloud to host the data and the transactions are carried out through smart contracts based on blockchain technology and are paid for using an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency.

The intent of Soar is to create a dynamic super-map of highly detailed images of drones covering the entire planet. This map can bring geospatial functionality to blockchain protocols that are not currently available. The map uses 2D thermal maps to show buyers and sellers of images of drones in the world where there is a request for cartographic data, which in turn can be an incentive for users to map these areas and sell the resulting drone data through the platform. [19659002] The idea of ​​a detailed and detailed map of drone data that can cover the world is comparable to what satellite image providers offer, but with a higher level of detail. The platform will contain multiple types of data: still images, video content at different resolutions, area maps with a bird's eye view and multispectral images, lidar and thermals. The Soar map uses a quadruple grid cell structure to present raster mapping data to the client.

Content updates from the client to the blockchain benefit from the use of the geocoding geohash standard to provide arbitrary spatial accuracy.

Before the content is added to the Soar map and can be sold to potential buyers, it must first be validated. That's why Soar creates a model of participation that guarantees quality assurance and moderation of content. In this model, the so-called content brokers will be able to host, moderate and improve the quality of drone content intended for the platform.

These intermediaries are financially incentivized through a cryptocurrency called SkyMap token. After the content has been uploaded by a drone operator and accepted by these sponsors, an intelligent contract is executed and a transaction is written to the blockchain. Subsequently, the content is added to the Soar platform. After this, the content can be purchased and downloaded via another smart contract. Sponsors receive a portion of their revenue when their sponsored content is sold through the platform. This model makes it easier for users to interact with the blockchain application, eliminating the potential absorption barriers normally associated with blockchain applications.

A second market mechanism is Soar's SkyBounty system, which offers incentives to local drone operators to acquire data on drones. In this system, a user shows interest in the images of drones for a given area by placing the incoming size tokens in that area. The interest is marked on a 2D map, so local drone operators can see that there is an interest in their area and upload content to claim generosity.

The Soar project began in 2015 when alternative mapping technologies were developed for a tactical army project. In 2017, Soar technology was made available for commercial and civil applications and was adapted to become the platform for the Soar market as well as the basis for the global super-map which is the final planned state. The initial launch of the Soar Stage 1 platform took place in June this year, to be followed by the development of additional features to enable value creation opportunities for Soar users. In April 2019, Phase 2 of the Soar platform will release the protocol of the super-map accompanied by a global roll-out and a roadshow in collaboration with the main partners in June and July next year.

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