Six countries apologize for their leadership. The Arab League has no president


In the last half of March 1945, the Arab League arose, emerging in various wombs from the eastern and western gametes, to contemporary with the Palestinian crisis from its earliest days, and witnessing the crises of the Arabs for more than 7 decades.

In those decades, the Arab League did not win the strength of the young or the wisdom of the elderly, and now it is issuing the breaths of denunciation and condemnation that have been its most powerful weapon for decades.

In past years, the Arabs were “honored” by his leadership and the competition for his presidency, today his presidency has turned into an ember in the hands of the leaders, after the announcement of normalization between the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain with Israel .

The “burning cave” was none other than what has burned the hopes of the Arab peoples in the last seven decades, before they devoured each other; “The fire burns out if it finds nothing to eat.”

I travel in search of a head
The repercussions of the normalization of the Emirates and Bahrain came quickly to the Arab League, so it was a blow that was about to be a knock-out, weighed down by the rubble of years and decades of failures and losses.

So far, 6 countries have apologized for taking over the presidency of the current session, and no country has volunteered so far to take the role and raise the flag, noting that the presidency of the League sessions takes place under normal circumstances according to the alphabetical order of the names of the Member States.

The story began on 9 September, when the League dropped a draft resolution presented by Palestine at a meeting of foreign ministers, condemning the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel.

In this meeting, expressions of denunciation and condemnation dissolved, after the current of normalization became an impressive force that stretched like tongues of sand and waves of salt under the pillars of the rickety Arab house.

Soon, the godfather of normalization, Jared Kushner, the advisor to the president of the United States, picked up the thread, to announce the following day that the Arab League’s failure to condemn the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel constitutes a major change in the Middle East, and that the patience of states that support the Palestinians is exhausted and that they are seeking normalization with Israel in a way that serves their interests.

However, the steps of normalization accelerated in the following days, culminating on the 15th of the same month (September) with the signing of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain two normalization agreements with Israel in a ceremony at the White House sponsored by US President Donald Trump, ignoring the state of anger in Arab popular circles.

About a week after the signing of the normalization agreement, precisely on September 22, the State of Palestine decided to renounce its right to chair the Arab League Council for the current session, in response to normalization with Israel.

Commenting on this, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki said: Palestine is not honored to see Arab countries strive for normalization with occupation, and “will not bear the brunt of the collapse and withdrawal of Arab positions and race for normalization “.

He added that this decision came after the League’s General Secretariat took a supportive stance for the Emirates and Bahrain, which normalized their relations with Israel, in violation of the Arab Peace Initiative.

Qatar was supposed to receive the flag of the Arab League, but on 25 September it announced its apologies for taking over the current session of the League in place of the Palestinian Authority, according to a letter sent by the General Delegate of Qatar to the Arab League.

In the days that followed, the apologies continued. Starting with Kuwait, then Lebanon and the Comoros Islands, none of them want to be mentioned in the history books that took the lead of the Arabs in such a circumstance.

And when the role arrived in Libya a few days ago, on 6 October, he also took the initiative to apologize for taking over the rotating presidency of the university, thus making another nail to the exhausted body of the Arab League.

Thus, the leadership of the Arab League has become a thorny chair and a tempting organ that many countries shy away from, after it has “raised itself” more than the Lebanese complained.

When do they announce the death of the Arab League?
Without roses and tears, the Arab people greeted the League after social media was overwhelmed by multiple calls to announce the death of Umm al-Arab.

The abuse of Arab tweeters varied as they followed the string of excuses following the recent wave of normalization, as some saw it as an awakening of consciousness that expressed the university’s sense of inferiority and its failure by Arab leaders, while others did they ask about the obstacle to the Arabs who announced the death of their university?

Writer and songwriter Qutb Al-Arabi said this is the first time that Arab countries have abstained from the presidency of the League, “which represented the bare minimum for Arab consciousness and became the axis of normalization consciousness only.”

Egyptian journalist Moataz Matar considered that these countries’ apologies for their presidency confirm what was previously said to have died clinically, and what is needed now is to bury them and hand over their presidency to Israel.

Another tweet found that 6 Arab countries have abandoned the presidency of the Arab League, “after the cover they have given to the typists is the best Arab solidarity since the founding of the League”.

Another tweeter suggested serving the current rotating presidency to another country outside the region, because no one agrees to lead the university in such a circumstance.

One of the Arab tweets accused of double standards in addressing the issue of normalization. When Sadat signed the Camp David Accords in 1978, Egypt was expelled from the university and the Arabs boycotted it and the university was moved to Tunisia. Why not boycott typists today?

On the sanctuary of failure
Under the roof of estrangement, on the heap of crises and from the womb of colonialism and dictatorships; The Arab League was born in 1945 and its founders shared the pact on gelatinous principles, including adherence to the principles of the United Nations, legal equality between member states, non-interference in the affairs of member states and assistance mutual.

Over its last decades, the Arab League has continued to shine on its principles, and the princes have moved abroad in search of a new sponsor.

The League did not join and most of its countries did not adhere to the principles of the United Nations, nor in matters of freedom, justice, democracy and social development, so the dictatorship established its chairs on the foundations of Arab hunger and fear in a moment in which there was neither a winter nor a summer journey to freedom.

Instead of non-interference in the affairs of others, conspiracies, siege, occupation and destruction from inside and outside the country have been – in many cases – prominent behavior in the politics of a number of Arab countries, especially in the last decade. , which saw the strongest Arab movement towards freedom and the most terrible Arab setback to oppression and dictatorship.

The Arab League is not like the other daughters of the seventies, there are no grandchildren or boys who gather around it, no gifts for Christmas, no tale or tale of childhood and youth.

And at the end of its days, here is the Arab League – according to what tweeters see – has been pronounced since Arab times as if infected with a contagious disease from which healthy people are fleeing the Syrian refugee flight from Assad.

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