Senior VP of Ripple Product announces the ways in which UBRI explores Blockchain use cases

Senior VP of Ripple Product announces the ways in which UBRI explores Blockchain use cases

A new tweet from Ripple's Senior Vice President of Product suggests that more use cases will be employed with the platform and blockchain technology. Refer to a new book by Kevin Warten, "The Blockchain and the new architecture of trust".

Asheesh Birla, the SVP, notes that Warten is part of the initiative community Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI). Warton's role will work on the different use cases that can be applied to the blockchain technology.

The tweet says: "Excited has arrived at the starting point: I took lessons from @kwerb @wharton and is now part of the @ Ripple UBRI community, examining interesting use cases for blockchain!"

Warten was mentioned in a Ripple blog recently referring to questions the community needs to ask questions about use cases, as if the problem were legitimate and where traditional technology failed.

In a later discussion in the blog, the author also says that the use cases that coincide with the cost or the trust gap are those that most accurately incorporate the use case. The problems of the past can be credited to the encrypted and to the use of digital resources, the corporate solution conceived can be solved with the gap of trust with the co-dependent entities. Warten talked about the potential for assistance with the use of Ripple services.

Just a week ago, the University of Texas arrived with UBRI, Ripple to help with the blockchain initiative. A passionate blockchain, Tonny, commented on the Twitter post for Birlasaid,

"Bitcoin with blockchain 1.0 and eth 2.0 technology is outdated with respect to the trend.Nexty platform with superior technology compared to other currencies – fast transfer and transfer fees, will replace and stand up especially in the future. # # Crypto nexty"

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