Seeing the wisest comet phenomenon near Earth 18-23 July 20, if lost, you have to wait another 6,800 years


20 Jul 2020
126,822 times

National Institute of Astronomical Research (Public Organization) or S Dr. revealed that from the beginning of July the past. Comet Neowise or C / 2020 F3 (NEOWISE) will occur.

From July 18, 2020 onwards, the neo-weiss comet will appear in prime time. After sunset North West E the brightness will continue to decrease. But still bright on a level that can still be observed with the naked eye. It is a good opportunity for Thais to glimpse and capture the beauty of this comet.

If the sky around the horizon is clear Especially on July 21 20, it was a dark moon without disturbing the moonlight. It is a good opportunity to observe neo-vise comets with the naked eye. If you miss it, you have to wait another 6,800 years.

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