Scientists find neutrinos from stellar fusion for the first time


Researchers have actually confirmed one of the most important theories of star physics. NBC News reports that a team from the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics has detected neutrinos attributable to stellar fusion for the first time. Scientists determined that the elusive particles passing through its Borexino detector resulted from a carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) fusion process in the heart of the Sun.

This type of behavior had been predicted in 1938, but until now it had not been verified despite the scientists having detected neutrinos in 1956. Borexino’s design was fundamental to overcome this obstacle: its “onion” construction and continuous refinements. they both make it ultra-sensitive and resistant to unwanted cosmic radiation.

It is also a somewhat surprising find. CNO fusion is much more common in larger and hottest stars. A smaller celestial body like the Sun produces only 1% of its energy through this process. This not only confirms that CNO is a driving force behind the largest stars, but the universe at large.

This, in turn, could help explain some dark matter, in which neutrinos could play a significant role. Scientist Orebi Gann, who was not involved in these findings, also said so NBC that an asymmetry between neutrinos and their relevant antiparticles could explain why there isn’t much known antimatter in the universe. To put it another way, the findings could help answer some of the most basic questions about the cosmos.

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