Samsung Transportation Co., “Less than 1% of vehicles have signed a special contract with a risk guarantee for courier transport”


Current 3 years (18 ~ 20 years) subscription status for special paid transport risk security agreements
Current 3 years (18 ~ 20 years) subscription status for special paid transport risk security agreements

It was analyzed that less than 1% of people engaged in paid transport, such as Coupang Flex and Baemin Connector, have entered into a special contract with a paid transport risk guarantee that can receive full insurance in the event of an accident.

According to the “ Actual Conditions and Safety Measures for Paid Transportation for Personal Vehicles of the Delivery Platform ” announced by the Samsung Transportation Safety and Culture Research Institute on 20, the road accident rate for private vehicles was 35 , 6%, which is more than double that of 17.3% for general personal vehicles. to appear. However, it was analyzed that less than 1% of vehicles subscribed to the special paid transport risk guarantee contract can receive full insurance in the event of an accident.

With the recent surge in untact transactions due to the protracted Corona 19, the parcel delivery market continues to grow. The size of the parcel delivery market is 5.4 trillion won in 2018 and 6.30 trillion won in 2019, an average increase of 12%, and it is estimated to reach 7 trillion won in 2020.

The number of workers paying for personal transportation such as Coupang Flex and Baemin Connector is expected to grow to 100,000 by 2020 as the delivery platform grows.

The number of Coupang Flex subscribers in the first half of this year was around 5,000, a 25-fold increase from 200 subscribers in the same period last year, and the number of subscribers this year is expected to reach around 10,000.

At the end of September of this year, the number of personal units registered with Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. registered for the special paid transport risk guarantee agreement was 138, and the number of accidents was 49, with an accident rate of 35.6%. This is more than double the 17.3% of general automobile accidents.

The number of new subscribers to Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance did not show a significant increase to 32 after the sale of special contracts for 6 passengers or less. Considering the share of paid special transport contracts guaranteed by Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance compared to all insurers over the past three years, the total number of special contract underwriters is estimated at 550.

Even assuming the total number of paid private transport workers is at least 100,000, the subscription rate is less than 1% and the subscription rate for all paid transport workers is very low.

Also, if a vehicle without a special contract is treated by auto insurance, it is highly likely that it leads to insurance fraud that hides the fact of paid transportation for full insurance processing.

The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) has issued a special risk safety contract for passenger cars with 6 passengers or fewer to ensure an accident caused by the driver carrying goods as a courier using a private car with 6 passengers or fewer. He made the sale possible.

In order to minimize the damage to pay-as-you-go personal road accidents that are in the blind spot of insurance, the underwriting conditions should be strengthened so that only drivers who have signed up to the special warranty agreement a payment can engage in the paid delivery platform.

In order to increase the low subscription rate of the special paid transport risk guarantee contract, it is necessary to give the operator of the delivery platform company the obligation to continuously educate and promote insurance coverage in the event of a transport accident paid staff.

Sang-Yong Yoo, senior researcher at the Samsung Transportation Safety Research Institute, said: “Due to the protracted Corona 19 and the revitalization of the sharing economy, the paid personal transportation market is growing faster.” The situation is dire. ” , has explained,

He then pointed out: “When you sign up for a private car delivery platform, you should be able to receive maximum protection against road accident damage by making it mandatory to sign a special contract with a paid transport risk guarantee. “.

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