Safadi warns of the worsening of the crises afflicting the Arab world :: Nabataeans


Nabataeans –

Nabataeans –Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi warned on Wednesday that the crises afflicting the Arab world are deepening in a way that threatens Arab security, while the Arab role in resolving the efforts remains little or no effect.

In the Kingdom’s speech at the 153rd ordinary session of the Council of the League of Arab States at ministerial level, Safadi said that Arabs cannot remain aloof while others fill the void created by the absence of an effective Arab role.

“Our problems are the ones we discussed in our previous session and the many extraordinary sessions we held, the only difference is that the crises have worsened and our collective role in the efforts to solve them is still limited, with minimal impact. or none at all, ”Safadi said. He added: “Our Arab security is in danger, generations in crisis-torn Arab countries are lost as they become accustomed to war and destruction and grow up in environments of despair and deprivation, where there are no schools, no health care and none. hope, extremism infiltrates through oppression and external forces fill the void generated by our absence “. “The chances of achieving a just peace that we have affirmed are our strategic choice to be killed by illegal Israeli measures that impose painful new facts on the ground every day. Israel declares its intention to annex a third of the occupied West Bank and its plans to build new settlements that steal Palestinian land and steal hope for a just peace that the peoples accept “. Our Arab consensus is that the creation of an independent and viable Palestinian state along the lines of June 4, 1967 with occupied Jerusalem as its capital, whose Hashemite tutelage represents an impenetrable block against attempts to change the identity of its Arab, Islamic holy places. and Christians, it is the only way to peace. “Safadi said:” But our positions and our words are based on international legitimacy. It is facing an Israeli act that is indifferent to international law and no longer considers the land principle for peace as the basis for a solution ”. Regarding the Syrian crisis, Safadi said: “It is still a disaster with no real horizon. To put an end to it, the biggest victim is the fraternal Syrian people and the fraternal Syrian state. “We are most affected by the crisis and its devastating consequences, but our collective role in efforts to end the crisis is minimal. Syria has become an arena for regional and international conflicts of interest, and we remain on the sidelines while others impose their roles and their agendas “. Safadi stressed that “the situation is no better in Libya, where the regionalization and internationalization of the crisis has become a reality at the expense of a brother country and at the expense of our Arab national interests”. He said: “The crisis is growing in the Arabian Gulf, whose brotherly Arab countries security forms a basis for collective security, and pushes Iraq into chaos that threatens progress towards reconstruction and stability after the victory that had gotten onto the terrorist gangs. ” Safadi said that “our first central issue deserves to move collectively to the international community to curb the Israeli occupation and the pressure to start real and effective negotiations to resolve the conflict on the basis of a two-state solution in accordance with legitimate decisions. . The international community and the Arab Peace Initiative “. He added: “If we don’t act, the international community won’t move.” Safadi stressed that “we must also move collectively to activate the Arab role in efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis that preserves Syria’s unity and cohesion and restores its security, stability and role in our Arab system of action. joint “. He stressed: “Staying on the sidelines is no longer an option. The cost of abandoning our role is paid by the authentic Syrian Arab people and a Syrian Arab state, and we all pay the price while we let others do the same. define the paths for the future of our region “. And Safadi said: “We must also adopt visions and mechanisms of action to protect the security of the Arabian Gulf. And the solution to the Libyan crisis, the Yemeni crisis, the support of brotherly Iraq and the confrontation of terrorism and extremism, so that the Arabs protect the Arab world and resume the initiative in our one Arab world, that if one part is complete, all is done, and if part suffers, everything suffers “. He added: “A few months separate us from the next regular Arab summit. The difficult and enormous challenges we face have wagered to prepare this summit in a practical way that would make it a station for restoring life in our common Arab action and making practical decisions. helping to resolve our crises and protect our common interests. He thanked the Iraqi Foreign Minister for his benevolent efforts during the previous session’s presidency: “We will achieve this if we do our part and if we go to that summit with initiatives that give us back the leadership role that our interests require with regard to our Arab affairs. “In addition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs chaired on the sidelines of the League meeting the meeting of the Committee of Foreign Ministers of the States Parties to the Agreement establishing the Free Trade Area between the Arab countries of the Mediterranean “Agreement of Agadir “. The meeting saw the signing of the two documents of accession of the Lebanese Republic and the State of Palestine to the Agadir Agreement by Jordan’s foreign ministers. Egypt and Tunisia and Minister Delegate to the Moroccan Foreign Minister. The Committee of Foreign Ministers had approved the accession of Palestine and Lebanon at its meeting on the sidelines of the Arab Summit in Amman in March 2017 and had recommended that the Accession Protocol be completed in accordance with the provisions of the Additional Protocol on accession of new countries.

The accession of Palestine and Lebanon to the group would benefit from the competitive advantages offered by the Agadir agreement, especially with regard to the accumulation of origin, and the accession opens new horizons for the economic operators of the six countries to develop their inter-commercial exchange and increase the opportunities for industrial integration and access to the European market for their products. The Agadir Declaration was launched in Morocco in May 2001, when Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco announced their desire to establish a free trade area between them, with the encouragement of the European Union, and the agreement of Agadir was signed in Rabat on 25 February 2004.

On the sidelines of the Arab ministerial meeting, Safadi met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the fraternal Arab Republic of Egypt Sameh Shoukry, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al-Muhammad Al-Sabah, the Minister of Affairs Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Abdel-Latif Al-Zayani, the sister of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Lebanese Republic of Riyadh, the sister of Dr. Hatti and the foreign minister of the Fraternal Republic of Tunisia, Noureddine Ray

The talks focused on ways to develop bilateral cooperation, developments in the region and efforts to resolve regional crises and activate joint Arab action.

Minister Safadi congratulated his counterparts in Bahrain and Tunisia for taking on their new duties.

– (Petra)


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