Russia’s missing role in the “Abraham Accords”


In a previous statement by the man to an Arab television channel, reported by the Russian newspaper “kommersant”, in which he directly revealed Russia’s willingness to find a role for it in the aforementioned agreements, without also mentioning that it supports them. Rather, he said, Moscow is following with interest the normalization of relations between Israel and Arab countries. He firmly supports the revitalization of dialogue between Arab countries and Israel, and as a member of the “quartet” of international mediators, and as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, he can help develop it. He said Moscow regarded the recent developments in relations between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain as “real facts” and that it had received assurances from its Arab friends that these developments were aimed at improving the atmosphere in the region and would not be used, in any way, to violate the rights of the Palestinian people.

The Kremlin newspaper “vz”, entitled “Expert: it is in the interest of Arab countries to have good relations with Israel”, on the 22nd of this month, published a text in which it quoted the opinions of two well-known Russian experts in Middle Eastern affairs on the “Agreements of Abraham”. Yevgeny Satanowski, head of the Middle East Institute, tells the newspaper that there should now be no questions about Israel’s peace with the Arabs. Israel, in his opinion, does not need Arab lands, as for the Arabs, Israel is very useful to them. He says it’s no secret that Arab leaders openly allowed themselves to hold a hate speech against Jews, while behind the scenes they established close ties with the Jewish state. The list of these Arab leaders includes all authoritarian secular regimes, such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein, as well as the Gulf states, which he believes mean “the whole Arab world”. Therefore, a distinction should be made between “anti-Israeli populist chatter” directed at the public and current politics. This is the Arab world, which “should be accepted as it is,” Satanovsky said.

Without relying on any source or reference, this orientalist claims that Yasser Arafat, whom Israel considered a terrorist, was in fact “associated with the governments of the Jewish state,” and it was he who warned Tel Aviv in the 1973 year of the attack. which had been prepared for him by Egypt and Syria. Unfortunately, they didn’t believe him at the time.

As for Sudan, Khartoum has established close relations with Tel Aviv since the time of Omar al-Bashir, but the two sides kept it in the background, according to the writer. The two sides now intend to formalize this relationship. Sudan, like many other Arab countries, needs to get out of the American list of terrorist financiers, and for the Arabs in this sense Israel is a strong lobby, if one takes into account its relations with all American administrations, whoever it is. occupant of the White House, according to Satanovsky, which lists the details of the negotiations currently underway between Khartoum and Tel Aviv to normalize relations between them.

The other expert, hosted by the newspaper, is the head of the “Dialogue of civilizations” Alexi Malashenko, who believes that the Arab-Israeli hostility, which has lasted for 70 years, is gradually disappearing. Most Arab countries are tired of talking about the destruction of Israel, and the Camp David summit in 1979, during which the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty was concluded, didn’t take it seriously at the time, but it turned out that that meeting marked a trend, which continues today. Later, we will see Egypt, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Dubai Crown Prince Hamdan bin Muhammad al-Maktoum, we will all see them held in their positions on Israel, which they no longer consider a enemy, Malashenko said.

The Russian Council on Foreign Relations has published two long texts on the “Abrahamic Agreements”, the first of which was on the 15th of last month entitled “My friend’s friend: Israel awaits the” normalization parade “for the director of the Ukrainian Middle Eastern Youth Association, Leonid Tsukanaov, and the second on the 23rd of last month entitled Peace for the Middle East: “The Abraham Agreements” will change history, researcher in the Department of Studies on Israel and Jewish Communities at the ‘Russian Institute of Orientalism, Artium Goffman.

The first text provides a list of Arab countries that could join the normalization process with Israel and assigns a summary of the proximity of each of these countries to the process. He concludes by saying that most Arab countries view the future of normalization with Israel as a legitimate process, and recognize some fatigue from the long-term and multilateral conflict, which was well reflected in the “neutral and friendly” declaration of the last meeting of the Arab League. However, the writer added that, of course, there are still Arab countries that continue to embrace the idea of ​​confrontation with Israel, but their impact on the overall situation is very weak, in his view.

After the writer mentions the position of Palestinians who oppose the normalization process and considers them “traitor countries”, he says that Turkey and Iran support the Palestinians, strongly criticize the position of the Arab League and describe the decision of the UAE United and Bahrain as a “hypocritical decision”.

The second text, according to its author, is that the texts of the “Ibrahim Agreements” are broad and broad, indicating that the parties have not been able to compromise on all issues, but rather continue to seek them. The writer refers to the interpretation of the two sides of the agreements and the absence of anything related to the possibility of the UAE acquiring American F-35 fighter jets, which Donald Trump said, “has no problem” in owning the United Arab Emirates of these aircraft, regardless of the Israeli objection to this.

After the author points out the absence of mention of the “Iranian threat” in the agreements, Palestinian opposition to them and Netanyahu’s attempt to use them in his favor within Israel, the writer claims that the ” Abraham “increase the separation in the Middle Eastern agreement between Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israeli tendencies. The author denies the possibility of reaching an agreement in the Middle East only on the basis of Arab-Israeli reconciliation, and recalls the withdrawal of the settlement process after the Oslo accords and the outbreak of the second Palestinian intifada, and therefore the response from Moscow. to the “Abraham Agreements” it was “sufficient” in moderation.

In the context of the search for a role for Russia in the ongoing normalization processes, the writer says that Moscow hopes these operations will help strengthen stability and security in the region, and a just solution to the Palestinian question. This is why he believes that Russia can and should play an active role in the Israeli-Palestinian agreement.

The author concludes that it is too early to tell the story of the “Abraham Agreements”, but no doubt they were a turning point in settlement in the Middle East and set a new trend in the region.


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