Rumor has it that I will be taken over by I Love My Home. Chinese eggshell condominium shares to rise 33% before market is strong on Wednesday (updated version) -Reuters


  1. Rumor has it that I will be taken over from my home. Eggshell apartment concept rose 33% ahead of market Wednesday (updated version).Reuters
  2. Eggshell HQ Tenants Line Up to Collect Rent, High-Income, Low-Rent Modes to Bury Mines – ViewpointcnBeta
  3. Eggshell Apartments’ share price rose 75% after replying that there is no bankruptcy and it will not run awaySina
  4. 9 billion in debts, more than 10,000 complaints, protection of tenants’ rights, frequent rumors of runaway, eggshell apartments are embarrassed on all sidesLeiphone
  5. Long-term rental apartments often rush to beat workers to rent a house, why is it so hard? – Point of view and observationcnBeta
  6. View the full report on Google News


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