Rover Rosalind Franklin: Mars mission on track after successful parachute test | News from the UK


A UK rover is one step closer to landing on Mars after a successful test cycle on a new parachute system.

The two-stage canopy sequence will help slow the Rosalind Franklin rover from 1,000 miles per hour as it speeds towards the red planet.

It is a joint Europe-Russia project and the rover was built in Stevenage by Airbus. The launch is scheduled for 2022.

Bruno the prototype of the ExoMars rover in the Mars test area of ​​the Airbus Defense Space in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.  Pic file
The rover was developed at Airbus in Stevenage, Hertfordshire

The mission will attempt to detect evidence of life – past or present – in one of the closest neighbors to Earth.

The parachute test had been delayed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic, wildfires and other factors and was the first large-scale high-altitude test.

Follows two failed experiments last year.

Once the module, formerly known as the ExoMars rover, approaches its destination, it will enter a six-minute landing sequence.

The drag from the atmosphere will slow it from 13,000 mph to 1,000 mph.

The first parachute will then be deployed, followed 20 seconds later by the second.

When it gets to approximately 0.6 miles above the surface, an engine will begin to slow the descent further to allow for a safe landing.

Technicians work on the new Rosalind Franklin ExoMars rover at the Airbus Defense and Space facility in Stevenage, North London on February 7, 2019. (Photo by BEN STANSALL / AFP) (Photo should read BEN STANSALL / AFP via Getty Images)
The rover is a European-Russian project

Sue Horne, head of space exploration at the British Space Agency, said: “Mars has been the subject of our fascination and speculation throughout recorded history, but we know that missions to the red planet are not easy.

“A total of 20 probes, from countries and agencies around the world, have all had their share of accidents on the journey to the red planet.

“They crashed on take off, they crashed on landing, they lost power.

“Parachute testing is critical to help us get the technology exactly right and make sure the Rosalind Franklin rover makes its journey with the best and most reliable equipment possible.”

Due to the thinner nature of Mars’ atmosphere, the parachute test can only occur high above the Earth.

The most recent test on November 9 saw a vehicle crash 18 miles above Oregon in the United States. It was raised using an atmospheric balloon.

The test went as planned, with the capsule landing safely and the parachutes recovering.

There was some damage to the canopies, which occurred when they were opened.

Program team leader Francois Spoto said: “Landing on Mars is extremely difficult, with no possibility of error.

“The last test was a good step forward but it is not yet the perfect result we are looking for.

“Therefore, we will use the extensive test data we have acquired to refine our approach, plan further tests and stay on track for our launch in September 2022.”

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