Ripple (Currency XRP) Cryptocurrency Investment Pros vs. Cons: Outlook 2018

  Ripple-XRP-Coin-Cryptocurrency-Investment-Pros-vs-Contro-2018-Outlook "title =" Ripple-XRP-Coin-Cryptocurrency-Investment-Pros-vs-Contro-2018-Outlook "/> [19659002] The XRP token is the XRP Token which has been questioned on several occasions: Recently, the token made headlines in what appears to be an uncertainty related to its real writing uses, XRP holds the third position with its capitalization market, volume and symbolic price of $ 14 billion, USD $ 316 million and USD $ 0.35 respectively </p>
<p>  As per the Global Coin Report, XRP has its positive and negative aspects, which investors should consider before doing big investments, here's a quick look at what they perceived as pros and cons of XRP. </p>
<h3>  Ripple Pros </h3>
<p>  According to the post, three pros were emphasized, including Ripple's ability to increase adoption by some users, secure partnerships and relatively low XRP token prices [19659002] Ripple's products have been introduced in previous topics as the launching of efficient and economical protocols. For example, xRapid was designed to minimize the cost of liquidity for payment service providers, while ensuring customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it is said that temporal efficiency comes from this project, as it takes less than three minutes to validate a transaction. Its 1,500 transactions per second was also detected, which is higher than those of Bitcoin [BTC]. </p>
<p>  The second case is clearly the Ripple partnership, of which most are with financial institutions. This creates a sense of trust and greater confidence in the XRP token, as the current cryptographic market has been cursed by fluctuations, scams and thefts to name a few. </p>
<p>  Finally, the relatively low price and stagnation are considered an investment in. USD $ 0.35 is not so much compared to the investment in fractions of BTC, which remains expensive, especially with its high transaction fees. From the beginning of February 2018, the XRP token has not seen drastic price declines and managed to maintain ranges from 0.20 to 0.40 (ie after its fall from around $ 2.27). </p>
<h3>  Ripple Cons </h3>
<p>  Now that a Consideration that the pros have been processed, Global Coin Report considers the limited use of Ripple and regulatory concerns as the most problematic. </p>
<p>  The problem of the use case seems to come up repeatedly for <strong> Ripple </strong> and according to the report, whether it is Ripple's xRapid or xCurrent products, neither has yet provided good cases for the first time. ;use. </p>
<p>  In particular, the case concerns Ripple's numerous partnerships, as its increases do not lead to new use cases. Moreover, with the competition and competition of the cryptographic sphere, Ripple's competitive advantage could simply be turned off. </p>
<p>  As already reported by Bitcoin Exchange Guide, parent company, Ripple Labs has faced several legal actions to manipulate tokens. Likewise, the classification of the cryptocurrencies of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has had XRP in a difficult situation for a long time. It is hoped that Ripple's charge of more control will be gradually resolved, as the payment service provider has made the necessary efforts to create a more decentralized system. </p>
<h2>  Final considerations </h2>
<p>  Overall, an interesting opinion was shared about whether we should invest in XRP or not. However, many of the points raised can be discussed in both directions. </p>
<p>  For example, Ripple's partnership with financial institutions was previously disapproved by crypto-investors, in particular due to the involvement of a centralized system. Furthermore, increased partnerships do not necessarily mean user adoption, since TRON has also established multiple partnerships just to see its stagnant symbolic price. </p>
<p>  The only point that is considered both positive and negative is the adoption by the user, ie <em> Ripple </em> has useful products, but if they are sufficient it is the big question to consider. </p>
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