Four major global blockchain companies (EMURGO / Cardano), Fetch.AI, NEM and Ripple) have come together to establish an association representing the blockchain-based organizations in Europe.
Blockchain for Europe is the first credible attempt to create a unified voice for the blockchain industry at the European level. The political debate in Europe has been fragmented – with inconsistent information from those who are not part of the blockchain sector, defying consensus within it.
The objectives of the association are to promote the understanding of the institutions of the EU and of the Member States on the true nature and potential of DLT (distributed ledger) and blockchain technology, and to ensure that the 39, forthcoming regulation promotes and promotes innovation in Europe.
Members are organizations whose activities come from DLT and blockchain technology. They share a common vision that Europe becomes the world leader in blockchain technology. Blockchain for Europe wants to help Europe create smart regulation to shape the global agenda on blockchain.
Together with the four major groups in the European Parliament, the association hosted a very successful Blockchain summit for Europe on 27 November. It brought together stakeholders from around the world, discussing issues such as governance, health, transport, trade, identity, financial market infrastructure and token / cryptocurrency. The debate has shown potential benefits for both policy makers and original blockchain companies when they engage directly and transparently.
Dan Morgan, Head of Regulatory Relations, Europe, Ripple, said: "Ripple is delighted to be a founding member of Blockchain for Europe.This is a critical moment for policy makers in Europe as they seek to develop the the right regulatory framework to reap the benefits of both digital resources and blockchain technology ".
Kristof Van de Reck, President of Europe and co-founder, NEM Foundation stressed: "We are pleased to be one of the founding members of Blockchain for Europe.There is a lack of impartial information, especially when it comes to the open and decentralized application of technology By joining forces with different stakeholders who have blockchains at the core of their business, we aim to provide insights that are not adapted to the agenda of specific organizations or stakeholders. "
"This is a tremendous opportunity to drive European policy into a field that will positively change the lives of so many people.The convergence of technologies like machine learning, AI and decentralized registries offers the opportunity for a world where technology works more effectively for the benefit of us all, "commented Toby Simpson, CTO and co-founder of Fetch.AI.
Manmeet Singh, CIO, EMURGO, said: "In the context of EMURGO's mission to guide the adoption of Cardano globally, we are very interested in working with the European institutions to create rules and regulations that will allow to blockchain technology to thrive globally, broaden the impact of our third-generation Cardano blockchain, all under the guidance of European governance. "
Blockchain for Europe does not look forward to entertaining conversations with politicians, industry players and academia. Together we hope to help make Europe the pioneer of blockchain technology.
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