Reusability: Rocket Lab on track for the next “Catch of the Day”


First stage of Electron recovery by the ship “Catch of the Day”. Photo: Rocket Lab

Luxembourg, 1 December 2020. – Ready for the next “Catch of the Day”: Launch company Rocket Lab has released details of its recent “Return to Sender” mission in which it recovered the first stage of its Electron rocket after a successful launch.

During the last few miles of Electron’s descent, the large main parachute was successfully deployed, Rocket Lab said, and the stage hit the water at 30 feet per second. The team aboard the “Catch of the Day” recovery vessel spotted the Electron stadium shortly after its splashdown and found the carbon composite structure “completely intact”.

“We couldn’t have asked for a better result,” said the company founded and run by space pioneer Peter Beck. Rocket Lab’s first Electron launch occurred only three and a half years ago; the company has since put nearly 100 satellites into orbit for its customers.

“(N) ow we are confident Electron can become a reusable launch vehicle, so it’s on the next,” said Rocket Lab. “In early 2021 we will launch another recovery mission, very similar in profile to Return to Sender. : another deployment of parachutes and ocean splashes, still no helicopters “.

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