Researchers map electrons to take better quantum computers one step closer


Atomic scale image of two interacting silicon donors. Image: CQC2T

Australian researchers have determined the “sweet spot” for the positioning of qubits to achieve high-precision quantum computers.

The research, published today in Nature Communications, showed that precision positioning has proven essential for the development of robust interactions – or coupling – between qubits.

The study was conducted through collaborative research between the University of Melbourne and UNSW Sydney.

Quantum electronics researcher and co-author Dr Muhammad Usman of the University of Melbourne said qubits are the building blocks of a large-scale quantum computer.

“Understanding the interactions between qubits is the key to building high-fidelity quantum logic gates, thus reducing errors in the quantum computer, but due to the atomic distances involved this has been impossible until now,” said Dr. Usman.

The Deputy Director of the Center for Quantum Computing and Communications Technology and co-author of the research, Professor Lloyd Hollenberg of the University of Melbourne, said that quantum computing is an emerging paradigm with the potential to offer enormous computing power in future.

“Researchers at UNSW Sydney were able to obtain atomic resolution images of coupled electron wave functions, while we conducted advanced theoretical simulations to analyze these images that were crucial to mapping two-qubit interactions for the future of quantum computers, “said Professor Hollenberg.

UNSW Sydney lead researcher Professor Sven Rogge said: ‘For nearly two decades, researchers have struggled to pinpoint the natural electron interactions that have been a stumbling block to the enhancement of quantum computers. Now we have pinpointed the location. optimal for creating reproducible, strong and fast interactions between qubits “.

“We need these solid interactions to design a multi-qubit processor and ultimately a useful quantum computer.”

Researchers from the University of Melbourne, UNSW Sydney and Purdue University in the United States are part of the world’s leading research efforts at the ARC Center for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, focusing on research and technological development for the quantum computing on a large scale.

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