Rain of celestial meteorites to light up the skies tonight


See the sky tonight as a celestial meteor shower is heading towards us.

The annual Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight (November 16) and tomorrow morning (November 17).

Moonlit sky watchers can expect to see around 10-15 meteors per hour, reports the Daily Star.

According to Space.com, more Leonid meteors will be better this year because the moon will only be 5% illuminated at night.

Leonid rain occurs when Earth’s orbit sweeps through debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle’s orbit, causing pieces of the comet to fall towards the planet’s surface.

Earth’s atmosphere causes the comet’s crumbs to heat up and ignite in glowing fireballs called meteors.

It is an annual event and is named after the constellation of Leo, Leo, from which its meteors appear to originate.

According to NASA meteorite expert Bill Cooke, he says the shower can be seen without any special equipment, but he has given some tips for budding astrologers and skywatchers alike.

He said, “Come out, find a dark sky, lie on your back and look up.

“Get ready to spend a couple of hours outside.”


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