Qatar is concerned about targeting female journalists in the Arab world


The Qatari representative asked for protection of journalists and justice for female journalists (Dorson Aydemir / Anatolia)

The State of Qatar has expressed its deep concern in targeting female journalists in the Arab world, for practicing journalism and because they are also women, exposing them to murder, kidnapping and threats, as well as defamation on social media platforms from part of the so-called “electronic flies” of some countries.
Abdullah Khalifa Al-Suwaidi, Secretary of the Permanent Delegation of Qatar to the United Nations Office in Geneva, expressed the strong condemnation of the State of Qatar for harassment, abuse, threats, intimidation and denigration of female journalists, especially female journalists women, and the fabrication of fake news and violence that sometimes amounts to murder, with the aim of undermining their credibility and silencing them. At work or on specific topics. This took place during the interactive dialogue on the report of the Special Rapporteur on the issue of violence against women, its causes and consequences, which was held today, Wednesday, in Geneva.

Al-Suwaidi explained that the State of Qatar attaches great importance to the issue of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right, stressing the need to protect journalists and guarantee their right to freedom of opinion and expression, and that no restrictions are placed. except within what international standards allow, especially right now The world has the Corona pandemic and the importance of ensuring that journalists and the media provide accurate news coverage to help raise awareness that it could save lives of many people.
In conclusion, it called on states to assume their responsibilities to ensure the protection of journalists, including female journalists, to hold those responsible for violations and crimes against them accountable, and to ensure that they obtain adequate remedies.

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