Police attend Costco after anti-masquerade refuses to wear mask or leave – Kelowna News


Policemen called to cover up the dispute

The first day Costco Kelowna began requiring patrons to wear face masks to enter, the store had to call the police after a customer agreed to an exception to the new policy.

Kelowna RCMP tells Castanet they were called Monday morning at the Kelowna Costco office, “following a disturbance after a customer who refused to wear a mask upon entering the business refused to leave at the request of the staff.” .

“Our officer was present to investigate the housebreaking allegation. Once spoken, the man agreed to leave the business without further incident,” said Kelowna RCMP.

Costco announced last Thursday that they were switching to a mandatory mask policy and implemented the protocol in all of their stores on Monday morning.

“Costco has a face mask policy in effect since May 4, 2020, but members who could not wear a face mask due to a medical condition were exempted. This is no longer the case. If a member has a medical condition that prevents them of wearing a mask, they must wear a visor at Costco, “said Craig Jelinek, President and CEO of Costco Wholesale.

Kelowna RCMP says companies have the right to ask their customers to wear face covers or non-medical masks “while they are on site in the absence of the ability to socially distance themselves and refuse service for default.”

“Customers have the right not to participate in the activity if they decide not to wear a protective mask to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

Dr. Bonnie Henry’s latest information on Monday shows that there were 1,959 new cases of COVID-19 recorded in BC from November 14 to November 16, including 87 in Interior Health.

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