Podcast | Blockchain in Action: Vanilla Tracking 13/12/2018


The last flavor of blockchain technology is vanilla.

Premium Goods, an aromatizing company, has partnered with Ambrosus, a provider of an Internet of Things platform supported by blockchain, to verify the source and quality of Madagascar vanilla. The stakes for this particular product are high: vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world, with a price higher than that of silver. Much of the global supply comes from the laboratories, so it is essential to confirm the provenance of a variety of the highest quality: the Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar. In this episode, we learn the details of the initiative of Angel Versetti, Ambrosus CEO. Explain how the blockchain is used to verify the origin of Madagascar vanilla, then check the quality of the product in transit. We discuss the benefits of blockchain application to this specific product, as well as the challenges of extending it to more complex supply chains. Does this initiative show that blockchain is here to stay? Hosted by Bob Bowman, editor-in-chief of SupplyChainBrain.

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Show notes:

A video demonstrating the application of blockchain to the vanilla supply chain.

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