Pioneer Coin (PCOIN) traded up 1.41% against the US dollar during the last 24-hour period ending at 6:45 pm on August 26, EST. Pioneer Coin currently has a market capitalization of $ 10.685 and its 24-hour trading volume is around $ 47. In the last seven days, Pioneer Coin was 0.40% against the US dollar with a $ 39; 1.91% in the last hour.
Let's see now how similar cryptos have worked since yesterday:
- Wagerr (WGR) is currently trading at $ 0.11 against the dollar, at 0.16% in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of WGR currently stands at 0.00001659 BTC.
- MobileGo (MGO) is currently trading at $ 0.13 against the dollar, a -5.02% variation in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of MGO is currently equal to 0.00001947 BTC.
- Unobtanium (UNO) is currently trading at $ 128.64 against the dollar, a -0.49% change in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of UNO is currently at 0.01918997 BTC.
- Signatum (SIGT) is currently trading at $ 0.00 against the dollar, 0.00% change in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of SIGT is currently 0.00000012 BTC.
- Numeraire (NMR) is currently trading at $ 5.59 against the dollar, a -3.85% change in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of NMR is currently at 0.00083415 BTC.
- Storiqa (STQ) is currently trading at $ 0.00 against the dollar, 3.29% change in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of STQ is currently 0.00000027 BTC.
- Indicoin (INDI) is currently trading at $ 0.01 against the dollar, a -1.16% variation in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of IND is currently 0.00000150 BTC.
- MonetaryUnit (MUE) is currently trading at $ 0.03 against the dollar, a -4.26% change in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin cost of MUE is currently at 0.00000415 BTC.
- bitJob (STU) is currently trading at $ 0.01 against the dollar, a -2.46% variation in the last 24 hours. The cost of the bitcoin of STU is currently equal to 0.00000114 BTC.
About pioneer coins
Pioneer coins have a maximum stock of exactly 2,951,965 coins. It was created on October 4, 2017.
Reported by cryptocompare.com: "Pioneer Coin is a PoW cryptocurrency based on the X11 algorithm."
Listed below are some useful links for those wishing to get more information about Pioneer Coin:
PCOIN: Business Information
People can buy PCOIN in exchanges, including TradeSatoshi, Cryptopia,
It's not necessarily always possible to buy digital coins like Pioneer Coin immediately using US dollars. Market participants looking to get hold of PCOIN will probably have to buy Bitcoin or ETH from a market that offers US dollar currency pairs, such as Coinbase and GDAX. Operators will then use this Bitcoin or ETH to obtain Pioneer Coin using one of the exchanges we have previously published.