“Pfizer vaccine, application for emergency use on 20 … Approval may be possible within the year” -Dong-A Ilbo


  1. “Pfizer vaccine, application for emergency use on 20 … Approval may be possible within the year”Dong-A Ilbo
  2. “Pfizer’s Corona 19 Vaccine Phase 3 Clinical Trial Produces 95% Prevention Effect” / YTNYTN News
  3. [속보] Pfizer, the end result of the corona vaccine is “95% immune effect”Chosun Ilbo
  4. [팩트체크]Can’t Korea Produce MRNA Vaccines?Top news
  5. Pfizer moder or revolutionary anti-virus? Vaccination begins as early as mid-December-JoongAng IlboJoongAng Ilbo
  6. View full content on Google News
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