People of the Arab world thank President El-Sisi during the conclusion of the Arab youth consultations


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Posted in: Saturday 25 July 2020-19: 14 | Last update: Saturday 25 July 2020 – 19:14

The young Arabs participating in the Arab Youth Consultations initiative thanked President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi; They said: “We express our sincere thanks to the Arab Republic of Egypt and His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, for organizing the activities of the Arab Republic of Egypt the activities of the Arab Youth Consultations Initiative, which represented a new glimmer of hope for a better tomorrow for the reality and future of young people in the Arab world, and stressed that the Arab world has just as many experiences and energies of young people to push the wheel of development in our Arab homeland and they have enabled young Arabs to keep up with change and meet challenges and turn them into opportunities through which to benefit from the creation of Arab innovations.

This took place during the final statement of the Arab Youth Consultations, drawn up by 36 young men and women from 11 Arab countries, as part of the activities of the Arab Youth Consultation Initiative, which was organized through the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with the League of Arab States, through visual communication technology, under the slogan “networking Youth visions for the future”.

Arab Youth also thanked Prof. Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, President of the Executive Office of the Council of Ministers of Arab Youth and Sports, for his great support for the successful activities of the Arab Youth Consultation Initiative and its unlimited support for youth development programs.

The Arab youth thanked the technical secretariat of the Arab League Arab Youth and Sports Council of Ministers, “Beit Al Arab”, saying “all thanks and appreciation for your efforts and the League of Arab States for the great and benevolent efforts. to serve the entire Arab nation in the present and in the future “.

The young people affirmed their desire for the continued modernization and development of youth activities and to promote the participation of young people more widely in the design, planning and selection of initiatives and programs in Arab youth work during the coming period and foreseeing the future of the youth. youth programs using modern scientific methodologies to keep pace with trends and simulate young people’s thinking.

Participants in the Arab Youth Consultations also stressed the encouragement of Arab institutions working in joint Arab youth work to form links and networks to enhance cooperation and partnership between them, with the inclusion of youth associations in government programs and support for targeted and influential youth entities in Arab youth circles, who advocate space for distant youth. On negative influences and being a virtual incubator for young people through which each young person can present their ideas for development.

Arab youth stressed the important role of interactive virtual programs in achieving the concept of optimal investment in resources, both financial and human, as well as welcoming a greater number of beneficiaries and supporting the learning process between the various experiences and energies of the Arab youth.

The people of the Arab world are encouraged by all Arab countries to develop the structure for electronic communication processes, with the need to develop and build the technical skills of the Arab youth, especially in the field of technology and the fourth industrial revolution, which will allow to young Arabs to achieve leadership in various fields.

It is interesting to note that the participants in the Arab Youth Consultations initiative represent 11 countries: “The Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Algeria, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Iraq, the Sultanate of Oman, the Republic of Yemen, the State of Libya, the State of the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Tunisia, the Republic of Sudan, in addition to the organizing country. The Egyptian Arab Republic “.

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