PCWorld Harshly Criticizes Apple: Says M1 MacBook Air Is 98% Faster On Market And Notebook “Speaks” | News-Yahoo Hong Kong-Yahoo Hong Kong News


  1. PCWorld Harshly Criticizes Apple: Claiming M1 MacBook Air to Be 98% Faster on Market and Notebook is “Hoax” | News-YahooYahoo Hong Kong News
  2. [Fuori dalla scatola]Mac mini 2020 M1 version evaluation Support old Intel APP, iPhone games, iOS APP multi-tasking testUNWIRE.HK
  3. The Apple M1 Macbook has been well received in terms of measured speed and energy savings and outperforms the Intel model in 6 respects.Hong Kong 01
  4. The reality test of the Apple M1 processor has been released and I’ve seen Intel and AMD sweat!Yahoo Hong Kong News
  5. [Valutazione]MacBook Pro M1 out of the box: i9 MBP performance comparison, support for older Intel apps, performance and battery life testingUNWIRE.HK
  6. View the full report on Google News
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