Password Manager App Dashlane Decks Cryptocurrency Owners

Password Manager App Dashlane Decks Cryptocurrency Owners


Having secure passwords is important to everyone in today's world as it is full of hackers and other cyber criminals. And since cryptocurrency is a value stored in the code, it is not surprising that its owners are among the most paranoid about the security of their data. However, the hot keys are not worth much unless you remember them.

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We are number three

<img class = "alignright size-medium wp-image-260137″ title=”Password Manager App Dashlane Decks Cryptocurrency Owners” src=”×188.jpg” alt=”Password Manager App Dashlane Mocks Owners of Cryptocurrency "width =" 300 "height =" 188 "srcset ="×188. jpg 300w,×480.jpg 768w, 2018 / 12/how-to-password-1024×640.jpg 1024w,×435.jpg 696w, https: // news / wp-content / uploads / 2018/12 / how-to-password-1392×870.jpg 1392w, – password-1068×668.jpg 1068w,×420.jpg 672w "sizes =" (maximum width: 300px) 100vw, 300px”/>Dashlane is a New York password management app with around ten million users worldwide. It also has a digital portfolio for the aggregation of credit cards and bank accounts. On Wednesday, the company released its third annual list of "worst password transgressors", highlighting individuals and high-profile groups who had the most significant password-related errors in 2018.

The owners of cryptocurrency ranked third in the list. "Given that the value of cryptocurrencies has reached record levels at the start of the year, dozens of crypto owners have had the potential to cash in – if they could remember their passwords," Dashlane explained. "The news cycle was full of reports of people using desperate measures (including hypnotists) to try to recover / remember forgotten passwords in their digital wallets."

Use some common sense

While forgetting the keys to accessing their digital wealth was the problem for many crypto owners who did it to the media, having weak passwords is still the number one problem for most people. This was exemplified by the number one on the list, Kanye West, who unlocked his iPhone with the code "000000" during a televised meeting with President Trump.

<img class = "aligncenter size-large wp-image-260129″ title=”Password Manager App Dashlane Decks Cryptocurrency Owners” src=”×536.png” alt=”Password Manager App Dashlane Mocks Owners of Cryptocurrency "width =" 696 "height =" 364 "srcset ="×536.png 1024w ,×157.png 300w, password -offenders-768×402.png 768w,×364.png 696w, content /uploads/2018/12/password-offenders-1392×728.png 1392w,×559.png 1068w, https: // news / wp-content / uploads / 2018/12 / password-offender-803×420.png 803w "sizes =" (maximum width: 696px) 100vw, 696px”/>

"Passwords are the first line of defense against cyber attacks: weak passwords, reused passwords and poor management of organizational passwords can easily put sensitive information at risk," commented Emmanuel Schalit, CEO of Dashlane. "The simple number of accounts requiring passwords means that everyone is inclined to make the same mistakes as password transgressors. We hope our list serves as an alarm for everyone to follow the best password security practices."

The company recommends that you never use passwords that are easy to guess or shorter than eight characters. And each of your accounts needs a unique password so that if a service is compromised the rest of your passwords remains protected.

The owners of cryptocurrency have rightly earned this ranking? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Dashlane.

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