Pakistan .. Politicians and activists reject the normalization of Arab countries with occupation


Pakistani politicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations and citizens have condemned the steps taken by some Arab and African countries to normalize relations with Israel.

Speaking to Anatolia, Pakistanis expressed their dissatisfaction with the official announcement by some Arab countries to normalize their relations with Israel.

The politician of the Islamic Group, Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, a member of the Pakistani Senate, said of the normalization of relations of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Sudan with Israel: “I think this is not normalization, it is an occupation.”

He added that the Washington administration has helped Israel achieve its “Jewish strategic goals”, stressing that the United States wants to make Israel “a strong country and the police of the region”.

He added: “Israel is an illegal state, it has occupied the lands of innocent Palestinians, engaged in grave human rights violations and violated all international norms, rules and regulations. Israel poses a threat to the Middle East. peace and the future of the peoples of the region “.

For his part, the general secretary of the Pakistani Muslim League, Ihsan Iqbal, told the Anadolu Agency that the normalization of relations is linked to the solution of the Palestinian problem and that “the rights of Palestinians should not be compromised until rights will be properly recognized “.

In turn, the secretary general of the Pakistan-Palestinian Endowment, Shabir Abu Maryam, said that the recognition of Israel by the Arab countries is part of the so-called Middle East peace plan, which US President Trump has called ” the deal of the century “.

Abu Maryam indicated that this plan aims to completely eliminate the Palestinian issue and weaken the Palestinians in terms of fighting Israel.

Irfan Khan, a Pakistani citizen, said Israel “oppresses the Palestinians and the Arabs should not establish relations with it”.

As for the Pakistani merchant from Islamabad, Omar Ahmed, stressed that “the steps of Arab countries to normalize their relations with Israel are wrong” and that what they do will affect the future of Muslims.

On Friday, Sudanese foreign minister-designate Omar Qamar al-Din announced that the transitional government has agreed to normalize relations with Israel, explaining that “ratifying it remains under the jurisdiction of the legislative bodies,” according to the official Sudanese news agency. .

Thus, Sudan becomes the fifth Arab country to agree to normalize its relations with Israel, after Egypt (1979), Jordan (1994), the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain (2020).

After the announcement, Sudanese political forces declared their categorical rejection of normalization with Israel, including the National Umma Party, within the ruling coalition, and the Nasserite Democratic Unionist Party.

A normalization agreement signed in mid-September at the White House between the UAE, Bahrain and Israel has led to accusations against them of selling the Palestinian issue, particularly by many Arab popular circles, and of aiding Trump in the US presidential election.

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