Quebec that are biologically different from Canadians?

[ad_1] It is certainly the most hallucinating phrase of the pandemic. Extraordinary and dangerously stupid. When we asked Quebec’s director of public health, Dr. Horacio Arruda, why 1.2 million rapid screening tests had slept in a warehouse for a month, he replied (tie your hat with a pin, what hair, …

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Mitsubishi Heavy Data Relay satellite successfully launched

[ad_1] newsfrom Japan Science society technology November 29, 2020 Tanegashima, Kagoshima Prefecture, November 29 (Jiji Press) – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. successfully launched an optical data satellite on an H-2A rocket on Sunday. The H-2A No. 43 took off from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern …

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