RippleNet taps from RippleNet, a company that is a member of EAU, launch cross-border payments

[ad_2][ad_1] RippleNet, Ripple's blockchain-based global payment network, is set to increase its engagement in the Middle East with a remittance company based in the United Arab Emirates destined to unveil cross-border payments using technology. According to Reuters, the UAE Exchange issuers company will distribute RippleNet cross-border remittance services to Asia …

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Warning bitcoin Whale: 20157 BTC transferred to Bitfinex

[ad_1] Lawmakers in Japan are examining invoices that could have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry in Japan. Japanese parliamentarian Tekeshi Fujimaki, who is a representative of the political party Nippon Ishin, has recommended four amendments to help promote the wider spread of virtual currency in society. The four …

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Jubilation – The best place to buy cryptocurrency

[ad_2][ad_1] In early 2018, Jubiter opened operations. Their launch was preceded by a whole year of development by unlucky Bitcoin fanatics who know the blockchain world well. Jubiter's mission is to use the skills of development and resourcefulness that have been collected over the years, and use them to improve …

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