We will experience the same thing again or worse in our lives

[ad_1] Mike Ryan, director of WHO’s emergency health program, warned on Monday that humanity risks future pandemics if it suffers from “amnesia” and does not learn from the current coronavirus crisis, Agerpres told Reuters. “We have seen that amnesia seems to go down in the world after a traumatic event, …

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Researchers identify the gene responsible for cellular aging

[ad_1] As mesenchymal stem / stromal cells (MSCs) age, the transcription factor GATA6 is increasingly produced in the cell to induce the aging response. Through cellular reprogramming based on transcription factors, aged MSCs are rejuvenated with a reduction in the effects of GATA6 on cellular aging. Credit: AlphaMed Press Cellular …

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the keys to understanding the future vaccination strategy

[ad_1] 1 A strategy dictated by a series of uncertainties Of course, vaccines are no longer ” a hypothesis, but a real ray of hope “, Estimated in the preamble the president of the HAS, Dominique Le Guludec. Difficult, however, when building a vaccination campaign … . [ad_2] Source link

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