LIVE – Covid-19 in France: over 400 deaths in hospital in 24 hours and about 4,000 confirmed cases



According to police, up to 650 people marched in Nantes on Monday to say “no” to the deaths of workers in restaurants, bars and nightclubs. The event, which looks like a funeral march, was organized at the invitation of the local Union of Professions in the Hotel Industry, Umih 44, and the National Group of Independent Hotel and Restaurant Workers.

“Restorers, artisans, we are essential,” they sang, parading behind a black banner that read “Let’s work,” observed an AFP photographer. “I am a restaurateur”, “I am a disco”, “I am a bar”, “hotelier”, “cafetier”, “restaurateur”, “event”, “brewer”, “wholesaler”, signs also proclaimed wielded by demonstrators, owners and employees of establishments open to the public due to the health crisis.


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