2018: A year of dissolution for Ripple and XRP

[ad_2][ad_1] Apart from the downward market conditions, 2018 was undoubtedly a monumental year for the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. Investors continued to gather in this space. The hashrates have increased dramatically through important work-proof protected networks. Institutional players worthy of note and people with a high net worth have …

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Forecast for 2018 · Cryptosumer

[ad_2][ad_1] The world of cryptocurrencies is full of prophets and forecasts of all ranges, just like any other financial market in the world. The 2018 has jumped straight into with Bitcoin (BTC) which is around $ 15,000 and investors are too optimistic about the future of digital currencies. Some of …

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A future without a password Blockchain is the answer?

[ad_2][ad_1] We live in a period when technology is advancing rapidly. Inter-connectivity has made the world closer than it has ever been before, however it has also made our personal information much more vulnerable. Passwords have long been seen as the cornerstone of online security. Every time you indulge in …

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Litecoin Plus Price Tops $ 0.0418 on Exchanges (LCP)

[ad_2][ad_1] Litecoin Plus (CURRENCY: LCP) traded 17.2% higher against the U.S. dollar during the one day period ending at 2:00 PM ET on December 27th. One Litecoin Plus coin can currently be bought for about $ 0.0418 or 0.00001102 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges. Litecoin Plus has a total market …

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