The League of Arab States is preparing to reintegrate Syria

[ad_1] The Arab League is preparing to reintegrate the Syrian Arab Republic, which excluded it in 2011, in violation of its regulations. Syria is one of the founding members of the University. They were excluded at the request of President Barack Obama on the grounds that they are a dictatorship …

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Asian Wealth Management and Asian Private Banking

[ad_2][ad_1] Panel members gathered at the Hubbis Digital Wealth Asia forum to discuss the ever-changing landscapes of digital assets, blockchain technology, and AI. While digitization is certainly nascent, greater use, understanding, regulation and guidance ensure that technological advances are becoming increasingly useful for asset management. Topics: Making sense of the …

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"If Guaidó swore he would become the real usurper"

[ad_1] 20 January 2019 10:04 | Updated January 20, 2019 at 11:52 Jesús Faría, elector, said that if Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly and head of the Presidency of the Republic, took an oath as president, he would have forced Nicolás Maduro to act with "force". He said …

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العالم العربي يأوي نصف لاجئي ومشردي العالم … مصراوى

[ad_1] 03:10 م الأحد 20 يناير 2019 بيروت (د ب أ) كشف الأمين العام لجامعة الدول العربية أحمد أبو الغيط اليوم الاحد عن أن العالم العربي يأوي نحو نصف لاجئي ومشردي العالم. وقال أبو الغيط, في كلمة اليوم خلال الجلسة الافتتاحية للقمة العربية التنموية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في بيروت, "يكفي أن …

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Julen's parents await the end of the ransom at home

[ad_1] theSunday noon was dug 40 meters from the tunnel parallel to the well where a two year old boy fell in Spain. The goal is 60 meters. According to those responsible for the relief operations, who have made a situation at 16:00 local time (15:00 in Lisbon), the work …

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Dos muertos en Chile ante evacuación por tsunami tras sism

[ad_1] Dos personas fallecieron este sábado during the proceso de evacuación que se llevó a cabo en los sectores costeros de la región chilena de Coquimbo, before an amenaza de tsunami, después de que la zona sufriera un sismo de magnitud 6,7 Ritcher, informaron las autoridades. The Oficina Nacional de …

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