The insurance giant Allianz is working on a token-based Blockchain ecosystem

[ad_2][ad_1] The German financial services giant Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (AGCS) is developing a blockchain-based ecosystem to facilitate cross-border insurance payments for its corporate customers. Experiments with blockchain technology Allianz is working on a token-based blockchain system, predicting that it will rationalize international insurance payments for its corporate …

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Son dakika … PKK'ya darbe üstüne darbe! 5 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

[ad_1] Irak'ın kuzeyindeki Kandil bölgesine düzenlenen hava harekatında 5 PKK'lı terörist etkisiz hale getirildi. Milli Savunma Bakanlığından yapılan açıklamaya göre, Pençe Harekatı ile koordineli olarak Kandil bölgesine hava harekatı gerçekleştirildi. Teröristlere ait silah mevzi, sığınak ve barınakların vurulduğu harekatta 5 PKK'lı terörist daha etkisiz hale getirildi. [ad_2] Source link

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Gobierno de Nicaragua decomposed 200 crucifijos a opositores

[ad_1] El Gobierno de Nicaragua decomisó este domingo 200 crucifijos a opositores, that pretendían repartirlos entre fieles católicos de su país, who lives a sociopolitical crisis that has dejado cientos de muertos, presos y desaparecidos. Los crucifijos fueron confiscados a la fiel católica Olesia Muñoz, quien pasó casi un año …

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20 Minuten – Island erklärt ersten Gletscher für «tot»

[ad_1] Ein Opfer der Erderwärmung: Auf Island ist offiziell der erste Gletscher für «tot» erklärt worden. Der 700 Jahre high Okjokull gilt formell nicht mehr als solcher, weil er mit nur noch 15 Metern Eisdicke zu leicht geworden ist, um sich vorwärts zu schieben. Umfrage Engagierst du dich für den …

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Despite uprising, economic crisis bites Sudan civilians

[ad_1] KHARTOUM Long queues are building up front banks, bakeries and gas stations across Sudan, reflecting ongoing economic hardships facing civilians in Sudan following the ouster of autocrat Omar al-Bashir. "I still have no change in my life," Kamal Hamid, 47, an employee, told Anadolu Agency. "My salary is still …

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