Joint declaration signed by Iohannis and Trump: 5 key points agreed in the White House / USA support Romania's efforts to enter the exemption visa – News on sources

[ad_1] Romania's opposition to Nord Stream 2 and the Black Sea energy resources, military cooperation, 5G technology, the fight against corruption and Romania's entry into Waiver Visa include the arguments that Klaus Iohannis and Donald Trump beat Tuesday at the Oval Office. The White House. The two heads of state …

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Refugees in the Mediterranean: Italy confiscates "Open Arms"

[ad_1] After almost three weeks at sea and several days of tension off the island of Lampedusa, the "Open Arms" auxiliary vessel was confiscated by the Italian authorities. The refugees are brought to the ground. It is the temporary end of a nearly three-week odyssey: the Italian prosecutor ordered the …

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Merkel, Brexit anlaşmasının yeniden müzakere edilmesine karşı

[ad_1] Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel, İngiltere'nin Avrupa Birliği'nden (AB) ayrılmasını (Brexit) düzenleyen anlaşmanın yeniden müzakere edilmesine karşı çıktı. Merkel, Alman basınındaki haberlere göre, İzlanda'nın başkenti Reykjavik'te katıldığı bir toplantıda, İngiltere Başbakanı Boris Johnson'ın AB Konseyi Başkanı Donald Tusk'a yazdığı mektup ve Brexit'e ilişkin açıklamalarda bulundu. AB'ye üye 27 ülkenin Brexit …

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RBI Defends Its Power Over Crypto in the Indian Supreme Court

[ad_2][ad_1] The Indian supreme court heard the case against the crypto banking restriction by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in detail Tuesday. After many arguments challenging the RBI’s power over crypto were presented, the counsel for the central bank began making the case against cryptocurrency. Also read: RBI's Power …

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Gletscherschmelze in Grönland: Meeresspiegel steigt dramatisch an

[ad_1] Beunruhigende Daten aus Grönland: Das Meerwasser rund um einen der größten Gletscher erwärmt sich laut einem Bericht drastisch. Mit fatalen Folgen für die Küsten weltweit. In Grönland droht einer der größten Gletscher der Insel zu schmelzen – viel schneller als bisher bekannt. Wie der US-Sender CNN berichtet, geben neueste …

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Focus on cryptocurrencies: Ripple – TheStreet

[ad_2][ad_1] The cryptocurrency ripple (commercial symbol: XRP) has seen its Fundamental Crypto Asset Score (FCAS) rise 2.8% in the last three weeks, driven by a peak of 5.6% in our policy of behavior of developers. Also our measure related to user activity has increased by 0.1%, but the measure of …

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