Over 1,000 reports of people not leaving their cars on BC ferries – BC News


Transport Canada is investigating over 1,000 reports of BC Ferries passengers unwilling to leave vehicles on closed bridges as required by regulations.

That requirement for passengers to climb stairs was reinstated in late September by Transport Canada, after being lifted in the early months of the pandemic.

Most of the default reports date back to the first few weeks after the September 30 change, Federal Department spokesman Sau Sau Li said in a statement.

Since then, reports of non-compliance have “significantly decreased” following the instruction and joint Transport Canada-RCMP patrols, he said.

Reports will be evaluated to determine the appropriate level of law enforcement action, Li said.

Information on the non-compliance was gathered from BC Ferries staff and during joint Transport Canada-RCMP patrols, he said.

For decades, passengers have been allowed to remain in their vehicles during crossings. This changed in 2017 when Transport Canada determined that passengers could only stay in vehicles on open decks.

Federal regulations prohibiting passengers from staying in vehicles on a closed bridge have been in effect since 2001.

When the pandemic hit in the spring, Transport Canada temporarily relaxed that rule to allow passengers to remain in their vehicles on closed bridges until the end of September.

Transport Canada has a range of enforcement options available, including verbal warnings, written warnings, and fines ranging from $ 600 to $ 12,000.

Ferry travelers don’t need to choose between personal safety and marine safety, Li said.

“By physically distancing themselves, wearing a mask and leaving the vehicle deck closed while the ferry is running, passengers and crew can stay safe.”

BC Ferries requires everyone to wear masks in all terminals, including outdoors, and on board. It is trying to free up more space in its now closed buffet areas and outside to allow for greater physical distance.

People with special circumstances, such as medical difficulties, should contact BC Ferries before traveling if they have any concerns, Li said.

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