Ooh, what's this? Facebook is recruiting the blockchain staff again


The mysterious Facebook blockchains seem to be underway …

At the start of this year, speculation triggered that Facebook was trying to plunge heavily into blockchain technology. It is said that he is hiring a new team dedicated to the blockchain, even if only with a handful of members. Facebook remained mum on the subject, with only a handful of LinkedIn profiles and job announcements driving this speculation. Facebook was clearly at the height of something, but exactly what? No idea.

Let speculation begin again, then. For Facebook, a job announcement has now popped up because it seems to hire a specific software blockchain engineer. It was identified by Mike Dundas in this Tweet, with the role that is taking place at the Facebook site in California.

What this says is that Facebook is still working on something related to the blockchain and that its team is still active. It could simply be to replace someone who has left, it could be adding staff to the team. What is clear is that blockchain projects are underway at the social media giant.

What is not clear is just what Facebook is doing. This has been a mysterious project since the beginning, without mentioning it in official Facebook communications. So, your specific hypothesis is as good as ours on this. But the fact that a company with the size and weight of Facebook is interested in the blockchain world is clearly news in itself considerable.

As we hear more about this, we'll let you know. For now, if you want a job as a blockchain engineer software, just know that Facebook is hiring …

Image: BigStock

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