Now it's time to deliver blockchain companies: Gabriel Yang of Beyond Blocks


Now it's time to deliver blockchain companies: Gabriel Yang of Beyond Blocks

"For a market that is crashing, the atmosphere seems to be very good." Bitsonline Last week he spoke with Gabriel Yang, CEO of Beyond Blocks, in the final stages of his company's Bangkok Summit in Thailand. How do event organizers maintain a positive attitude at a time when many investors are moving away from the blockchain and the crypt? Or does the industry now have a solid enough basis to keep things moving even during a price crisis?

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Yang: Maybe 'Speed ​​things up a little bit' & # 39;

Some background: Beyond Blocks Summit Bangkok has happened in what some might call the worst possible moment in 2018 – just in a week when bitcoin and other digital goods prices were plummeting into double-digit percentages.

Despite this, most of the participants Bitsonline he spoke at the Summit maintaining a positive focus, and noted that it was still quite well attended, all in all. It was certainly a large-scale event compared to many of the early blockchain conferences – something that Yang says should encourage business operators to concentrate, and perhaps move on to the next stage.

"The market is down, but we have existing businesses, we have all these things going on, there are still some brilliant projects, people are starting to mature." You have to realize that, maybe I need to speed up the things, maybe I should start making money, maybe I should start delivering a product. "

Yang says it's his job to make sure that people who have bought a ticket for the event and have taken time for their planned work can get the most out of the experience.

Gabriel Yang speaks at the Beyond Blocks Summit in Bangkok 2018
Gabriel Yang speaks at the Beyond Blocks Summit in Bangkok 2018

How to hold a positive event in a bear market

Thailand is showing some promises as a destination for the development of blockchain, with the government and regulatory authorities showing interest in creating clearer parameters for the companies in which they operate – and, above all, increasing investment.

This is beyond the point, though, says Yang. When choosing a host city for an event, look for those with many activities and transportation / tourism facilities suitable for visitors. Bangkok certainly has all of those – it's beautiful and close to other big cities of Asia, quite easy to get around and convenient.

Beyond Blocks was part of a week of blockchain-oriented social gatherings and social events in the city, and conference organizers have also regularly published on local attractions and happenings to check.

Do you participate in the blockchain or cryptocurrency conferences? What is your impression of them and what would make them better? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Images and videos via Bitsonline, Jon Southurst

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