Niobium Coin (NBC) sold -4.81% with the US dollar during the last 24-hour interval at 12 noon on 10 September EST. The niobium currency at this time has a market cap of $ 5.118.619 and its 24-hour volume is about $ 4,629. In the period of time in the last seven days, the niobium currency is 12.86% compared to the US dollar with a variation of -0.67% in the last hour
Here's how the other currencies made yesterday yesterday:
- Molecular Future (MOF) is currently at $ 0.11 against the dollar, a -5.58% variation in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin price for MOF is currently 0.00001737 BTC.
Niobium Coin Data
The niobium coin has a maximum reserve of exactly 47.882.101 coins. It was launched on December 1, 2017.
Coming from cryptocompare.com: "Niobium is an ERC20 utility token that powers the BOMESP exchange (virtual currency exchange in São Paulo) .The main services provided by the BOMESP exchange will be charged in NBC tokens. "
A number of useful URL links are listed below, in case you want to get more information about the niobium coin:
NBC: For Traders
You can get NBC in commercial exchanges as Bleutrade, Yobit, OpenLedger,
It is not always possible to buy coins like Niobium all at once using dollars. Investors hoping to get NBC could first of all get BTC or Ethereum using a marketplace that offers dollar trading pairs like Coinbase or GDAX. Investors can then use this BTC or ETH to obtain the niobium currency using one of the previously published exchanges.