New year for Crypto and Blockchain, seen by experts – BlockPublisher


The previous year clearly was not for the cryptor investor since the general currency market saw drastic dips and the only signs of growth in currencies were very short and minimal (as in the case of XRP and BCH). Analysts and market predictors have advised investors to keep their investments, as recovery is expected a lot in 2019, in line with events for which everyone is really excited (for example, ETF). Although there is a high percentage of people who think that the new year leads to a race to the crypt, there are still bears in the market that have a realistic approach to their predictions. The only consensus among bulls and bears was the fact that 2019 would have led to institutional investments, industrial growth and better adoption of blockchains.

Anthony Parker, founder of Cuberoot64 and blockchain strategist, is of the opinion that 2019 may be the year for the development and growth of the blockchain, but may not be the year of the lowest currencies and shitcoins. Currencies like BTC and ETH could survive, but others have a fairly low probability. Even if few currencies would survive, but those that do so could have a great year ahead. Talking to BlockPublisher he said,

2019 will take us further to the adoption of Blockchain and, apart from Bitcoin or Ethereum, many of the other cryptic currencies will die. We will also see many other security tokens and institutional investments. The criptos that will survive will have a good 2019.

It could be good news for blockchain fans who have been against shitty coins for a while.

The investor and cryptic enthusiast Sam Ball believed that the market had been hit by strong volatility and that it may not change for a while, so the people investing should look at their investments. Talking to BlockPublisher he said,

More volatility, invest in Bitcoin what you can afford to lose on a weekly / monthly basis and I think you will do well.

Thomas Power was solid enough with his predictions. Previously he predicted the market crash long before the time and so it happened. Now, the expert believes that 2019 could be just a year passing through the crypto, true growth would start somewhere in 2020, when the Fiat would collapse (world economic collapse)

I do not expect major changes or movements in 2019 the true growth of the crypto is 2020-2022 when the fiat collapses and the brands focus on incentives of climate change and tokenomics (cryptography) to drive and reward the commitment of consumers in relation to their products and The Climate Movement (TCM)

The general sentiment is mixed, investors are willing to see a bullish run soon, but analysts are reluctant to call one in advance. Experts seem to be still firm on their position that 2019 would still be a year in which the bear market will continue, while bulls in the market have their opinions.

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