New Brunswick reports 4 new cases of COVID-19, all in the Fredericton region


The province announced four new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday.

There are now 111 active cases in New Brunswick.

Seven other recoveries were reported. No one is in the hospital because of the virus.

The entire south of the province remains in the orange phase after Fredericton joined the Moncton and Saint John regions this week.

There are about 2,000 self-isolating people across New Brunswick.

The new cases are in the Fredericton region (Zone 3) and include one person under 18 and three people between the ages of 20 and 29.

The infected are isolating themselves and the cases remain under investigation, according to public health.

The new cases continue a trend of New Brunswickers under the age of 30 to contract the virus, which make up more than half of active cases.

Until recently, this age group accounted for only about 29% of cases.


Schools in Orange regions have also reported cases in the past week, although the student-to-student spread of COVID-19 has not been identified.

New Brunswick has confirmed 481 cases since the pandemic began in March. Seven people died and 363 were cured.

The province conducted 1,399 tests on Friday for a total of 122,941.

Nine cases in the Saint John housing estate

There are nine cases of COVID-19 in the Shannex Parkland complex in Saint John.

Public health declared an outbreak on November 20 in Tucker Hall, a nursing home, after an employee tested positive.

The complex now has nine total cases: two employees and six residents of Tucker Hall and one employee at Carleton Hall, a retirement building.

Shannex said the re-testing of all employees and residents took place on Friday and results are expected on Saturday. An update is expected this afternoon.

What to do if you have a symptom

People concerned that they may have symptoms of COVID-19 can take an online self-assessment test.

Public health states that symptoms exhibited by people with COVID-19 include:

  • A fever above 38 C.

  • A new cough or a worsening of chronic cough.

  • Burning throat.

  • Rhinorrhea.

  • Headache.

  • New onset of fatigue, body aches, diarrhea, loss of sense of taste or smell.

  • Difficult breathing.

In children, symptoms also included purple markings on the fingers and toes.

People with any of these symptoms should:

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