Net purchase of KODEX KOSDAQ 150 leverage 237 Lotte Chemical 195, etc.


On the 20th, the institutional investor will benefit from KODEX KOSDAQ 150 Leverage and Lotte Chemical.(287,000 + 1.95%), KODEX 200 Inverse 2X futures, etc.

The top 20 stocks in net purchase by institutional investors are KODEX KOSDAQ 150 Leverage, Lotte Chemical, KODEX 200 Futures Inverse 2X and LG Innotek.(163,000 + 1.24%), KODEX lever, NCsoft(828,000 0.00%), Hotel Shilla(80,900 + 2.53%), CJ Logistics(169,500 + 2.11%), KODEX WTI (H) Crude Oil Futures, Jinus(97,300 + 7.87%)Etc.

These include four titles belonging to the distribution sector.

Shares of KODEX KOSDAQ 150 Leverage, Lotte Chemical and LG Innotek are up from the previous day and KODEX 200 Futures Inverse 2X, Hanssem(99,800 -0.20%), Chemicals SK(442,000 -0.23%) Etc. The stock price has gone down.

[11월20일]The stock exchange buys the best shares

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This article was written in real time by the automatic article generation algorithm jointly developed by the Korea Economic Daily and Thinkful, a financial artificial intelligence company.

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